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Park Jimin, 16 years old student, was walking his way to school. It was quite a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Jimin walked across a small bridge and came to a soccer field, witch he has to cross very day. Jimin is always scared that somebody will kick the ball at him as he walks by. Jimin speeded up, trying to walk as fast as he could. Those boys that were playing on the field didn't seem to notice him. Luckily, Jimin thought. 

But then, Jimin tripped over and fell on the ground. His books were all over him. Then he heard someone running towards him. 

Jungkook -- Did you hurt yourself? 

Jimin -- I guess not. *Looks up and sees the most gorgeous human he has ever seen*

Jungkook -- Can I help you up? *Offers his hand* 

Jimin -- Thanks *Smiles at that beautiful creature*

Jungkook -- *Smiles too* Here are your books and have a nice day at school.

Jimin -- *Blushes* Thank you

Jimin hurried away from the field. That was so embarrassing , Jimin thought, but that boy... oh my he was sweet!

Later at Jimin's home: 

Jimin's mother -- Jimin? Can we talk honey? You've been... So quiet today. 

Jimin -- Uh- huh... I've been busy. 

Jimin's mother -- Don't lie to me, Jimin. I know you. What is it? Did you get bullied?

Jimin -- No! I just tripped over at the soccer field when I was walking to school. 

Jimin's mother -- And...? 

Jimin -- And one boy helped me up and picked my books. I was just thinking about him. 

Jimin's mother -- Aww... So you have a crush on him?

Jimin -- Mom! I don't know! I didn't even ask his name! 

Jimin's mother -- Trust me, You'll get a chance. 

Jimin -- You think so?

Jimin's mother -- Yes, honey *Smiles*

Next day Jimin hoped that he would be at the field playing football again, but the field was empty. Every day, Jimin walked to school, trough the field, trying to find him, but he wasn't there. Weekend came and Jimin to feel desperate. 

Jimin -- Mom I can't find him anymore! What if I never find him again?

Jimin's mother -- If you're supposed to find him, trust me, you will

Jimin -- But... 

Jimin's mother -- No buts. When I drove past the field a while ago, I think i heard some loud voices. Go check out if he's there!

And Jimin was out faster that a blinking. He hurried to the football field and as he came closer he saw there was definitely a game going on. Jimin tried to spot him... Jimin went closer to the edge of the field, leaned on the fence and tried to see something. 

Watch out!!!

Smash! Somebody kicked the ball straight into Jimin's face. Jimin fell to the ground.

Jimin -- Ouch 

Jungkook -- Oh no, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that... Wait a second. I know you! You're the boy who tripped and I helped you! Do you remember me?

Jimin -- Uh... Yeah

Jungkook -- Let me help you up again...

Coach -- Jungkook! Fetch the ball now or you'll fly out to the dressing room!!!!

Jungkook -- Ehhh... Sorry, gotta go! Talk to e later! *Grabs the ball and runs back to the field*

Jimin's head was aching... That boy really knew how to kick that ball... Ouch.. But Jimin enjoyed watching the game, he hoorayed to him as he scored, or just played well. Game ended to their victory and the boy walked up to Jimin.

Jungkook -- Nice to see that you stayed. So, my name is Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin -- I'm Park Jimin *Smiles*

Jungkook -- Did you like the game, Jimin?

Jimin -- It was great, you played really well!

Jungkook -- Thanks! So, Jimin, do you wanna play football with me sometimes?

Jimin -- Oh, believe me, I can't play football at all. 

Jungkook -- I can teach you! Then you'll be the best player around! After me of course! *Laughs*

Jimin -- Yeah, well, that would be fun... 

Jungkook -- Meet me here tomorrow morning! Like 9 or something. It's weekend, so you not going to school, right? We have a lots of time to practice!

Jimin -- Sounds good. And can I ask you something?

Jungkook -- Sure, anything! 

Jimin -- How old are you? You're not going any school, are you?

Jungkook -- I'm 18. And yeah, I don't go any schools anymore. I have my own apartment down there and play football as my career

Jimin -- Cool, I'm only  16....

Jungkook -- 16?? Really?? I thought you were older. 

Jimin -- I'm not that young! *Laughs* 

Jungkook -- Are you trying to say that I am old?

Jimin -- No... *Smirks*

Jungkook -- *Rolls eyes* Has anyone ever told you that you're a really shitty liar?

Jimin -- *Smiles* Yeah, actually. 

Jungkook -- Then maybe I have to teach you how to lie better, too *Laughs* 

/// Hope you like it<3 I think next episode coming tomorrow:)))          


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