Clouds Pt.4

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Next morning Jimin woke up, feeling upset, but he couldn't remember why. Then the reality hit him. Jungkook is going to move. It brought tears in Jimin's dark brown eyes . But then he also remember that he's going to see Jungkook today. Jimin decided to stay strong, and be happy with Jungkook, as long as he still was here.

Jimin checks his phone and sees that he have missed call... From Jungkook, and calls back

Jungkook -- Finally you're calling!!! Did I wake you up? 

Jimin -- No, you didn't 

Jungkook -- It's just... That I'm gonna be moving in a week.....

Jimin -- IN A WEEK??!

Jungkook -- I know this is all happening so quickly.... 

Jimin -- Mmmhm... Can I just see you already?

Jungkook -- Well, I gotta do some cleaning first....Before you can come here.

Jimin -- Jungkook... You don't clean, like, never.

Jungkook -- Well I gotta start somewhere!

Jimin -- But....  When can I come? 

Jungkook -- How about somewhere around 8 pm? 

Jimin -- But there's forever to it!

Jungkook -- Cheer up babe, It's not that long time!

Jimin -- *Sigh* If you say so... 

And Jimin waited. He watched as his clock was ticking on the wall, seconds, minutes, hours. Jimin stared at his clock. It was going so slow. Tick, tock ,tick , tock. second by second, Jimi waited, until his mom knocked on his door and asked him to eat something. Jimin ate, and watched his clock. Not even close to 8 pm yet. Shit, Jimin thought. But he waited patiently and finally he started walking to Jungkook's house, when it was 7:45 pm. It didn't take 15 minutes to walk there, but Jimin  couldn't wait anymore. 

Jungkook opened the door for Jimin, and pulled him into a tight hug. Jungkook stroked Jimin's hair and breathed in Jimin's smell. He smelled like the sweetest thing in the world. 

Jungkook -- I love you so so much Jimin... My own Chim Chim

Jimin -- I love you more Kookie

Jungkook -- And I love you the most, you silly

As Jimin followed Jungkook inside, he saw... Candles. Lost of candles, all lit up, creating warm and romantic lighting. And Jungkook really had cleaned. His house looked completely different now. 

Jimin -- Jungkook.... It's so beautiful here.... Did you do all this for me?

Jungkook -- Yeah! You seen to like it? 

Jimin -- Of course I like it! It's amazing here..

Jungkook -- *Smirks* Sit down, please

Jimin -- Why are you smirking like that? *Sits down*

Jungkook -- I gotta surprise for you... Close your eyes!'

Jimin -- *Closes eyes* Now I'm scared...

Jimin sat there, eyes closed. He heard Jungkook's footsteps getting closer to him. Then he felt something cold on his neck. Like... A necklace? It had to be a necklace. Then he felt something else too... Jungkook's lips, kissing is neck. 

Jungkook -- Open your eyes sweetie! 

Jimin opened his eyes and he saw the most beautiful necklace he has ever seen.It was tiny, little silver heart and when Jimin looked closer, it had little diamonds on it. 

Jimin -- It's... Wow! But.... Are these real diamonds? How could you have afford this? 

Jungkook -- I have some savings.... *Smiles*

Jimin --You shouldn't have spent your money on me...

Jungkook -- Don't you worry about that, shortie *smirks*

Jimin -- Okay...  I love this though. It reminds me of you. Gorgeous. Thanks you, Jungkook.

Jimin pressed his lips on Jungkook's. Jungkook toppled Jimin into the couch. Jimin felt Jungkook's hands in his hair, and all over his body. It felt so good, but Jimin didn't know exactly what he was supposed to do.

Jimin -- *Gasping* Jungkook... I.... Haven't done this before... I.... Don't know how to.... 

Jungkook -- Don't worry, Chim Chim, let me just.... Show you *Smirks* 

//// Hi! Here is another chapter. I know it's short but hope you guys like it:)))))

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