Clouds Pt. 7

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Jimin was trying to be brave. It was night, but Jimin couldn't sleep. Jungkook hadn't called yet. What if his plane crashed? No. No way. But way isn't he calling? Maybe he forgot? Jimin could just wait. Jimin touched his necklace. So beautiful, like Jungkook. Jimin stared at his roof. Maybe he should just sleep. If Jungkook won't call in the morning, then he freak out. Not yet. Although he was already freaked out. 

In the morning:

*Jungkook called Jimin in the morning*

Jungkook --  Hey babe! Did you sleep well? Everything okay?

Jimin -- Why didn't you call right away when you got there? I was worried....  

Jungkook -- I didn't want to call you at night, so you could get some sleep, babe

Jimin -- How do you think that I'm gonna sleep if you say that you'll call, but then you don't?

Jungkook -- Chim Chim, I'm sorry. I should've called you right away.

Jimin -- Yeah... But anyways... How are you doing there? Is your house cool?

Jungkook -- You mean our house? Yeah, it's really nice. And I'm doing great by far, I just already miss you so much

Jimin -- I miss you too... I wish I was there with you

Jungkook -- Soon, baby, soon. I wanna hold you so much... 

Jimin -- I wanna hold you too... When do you have your first football practice with your new team?

Jungkook -- Uhhh.. Tomorrow

Jimin -- They better be nice to you. No one's mean to my angel

Jungkook -- They'll be just fine. Don't worry 'bout me, remember to study well 

Jimin -- I will, I will. God luck for your practice tomorrow, I gotta quit now, I love you. See you soon. 

Jungkook -- Thanks, Chim Chim. I love you too. Call me soon. Bye. 

Time was moving slow, but still, weeks were passing. Jungkook and Jimin were trying their best to concentrate. Jimin at his studies and Jungkook to his football career. It wasn't long until Jimin would move to USA, even thought it felt like forever.


They were both now excited, because Jimin would move in few days. Only few days! Jimin had finished his studies with great grades and Jungkook was so proud of him. Then, the day came. 

Jimin's mother -- Okay.. Big day today... Everything packed, honey?  

Jimin -- Yeah, mom. Don't worry

Jimin's mother -- But you're  my little baby... And now you're moving away... *Wipes tears*

Jimin -- Nooo... Don't cry, mom

Jimin's mother -- *Deep inhale* Give me a hug before you go 

Jimin hugged here, they said goodbye and Jimin headed to the bus station, so he can get to the airport. He was nervous, but he know that Jungkook will be at the airport in USA, waiting on him. 


Finally, Jimin stepped into his plane. He found his seat and settled there. Jimin was little afraid, he hasn't been on a plane many times. Jimin took his earphones and tried to calm down while listening to music. 

Before Jimin actually even noticed, the plane took off. Jimin started to stress a bit. What if Jungkook had changed? What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he's not coming to get me? But then Jimin calmed down, because he's been talking to Jungkook every single day.

The plane ride was quick, the plane started to land. Jimin prepared to meet Jungkook. He was so nervous that he started to shake. Jimin tried to make the shaking to stop, but it was impossible. The plane landed. Jimin got out, and went to seek his luggage, and found it easily. Then, he had to find Jungkook.

Jimin's heart was beating loud He was trying to see his Kookie in the crowed airport, Jimin started to panic, but then... Jungkook was there. Right there, in front of him. His face lit up when he saw Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook hugged tight. Jimin breathed Jungkook's smell in. Bit different, but still his own Jungkook.

They pulled away, just to kiss. They kissed long. Like, really long. They just couldn't get enough of each others lips. Jungkook's hands were all over Jimin and Jimin's small hands was all over Jungkook. People were staring at them, mostly smiling, but some disgusted. Jimin and Jungkook didn't see that. They only saw each other. 

Jungkook -- *Smiling wide* My Chim Chim! I forgot how wonderful your lips are... I love you, sooooo much!!! How was your flight?

Jimin -- I love you too Kookie... And my flight was great, I'm just a little tired.... *Yawns*  

Jungkook -- Aww, My baby's tired.. Lets go home, honey, so you could get some sleep. 

Jimin -- Sounds great 

Jungkook had parked his car near the airport, but still they had to walk a while to get there. Jungkook carried Jimin's luggage. Jimin and Jungkook couldn't stop smiling and taring at each other. There they were together, in USA, heading towards their own home... Unbelievable. 

Jungkook -- Now here's my car! Take a seat, babe *Puts Jimin's luggage in the trunk and sits on the driver's place*  You ready?    

Jimin -- Yaassss  

Jungkook -- *Smirks and starts the car* Here we go, Chim Chim!!!

The drive wasn't long, but they still exchanged way too many flirty looks and smirks. They were both glowing in happiness. Jungkook drove to the their yard. 

Jungkook -- This is it! Hopefully you'll like it. It might be little messy from the inside, since I'm not very good on cleaning...   

Jimin -- Doesn't matter, I love it already, because it's OURS. 

Jungkook took Jimin's luggage from the trunk and carried it inside. Jimin came in right after him.

Jimin -- *Smirking* It's.. It's ... I love it. I can't believe that I'm actually living here, with you.. I'm so happy with you. 

Jungkook -- That's so sweet Jimin. I can't imagine my life without you

Jimin was blushing, just like when they first met at the football field. It felt like it was so far behind. 

Jungkook -- But weren't you tired, babe? You wanna eat something first?

Jimin -- I'm not hungry, I ate at the plane. But I'd just love to sleep... Next to you  

Jungkook -- Well, bedroom's this way, honey *Takes Jimin's hand and takes him to the bedroom

Jimin quickly unpacked his pajamas from his suitcase and changed them on. With pajamas I mean t- shirt and boxers, Jungkook also changed his sleepwear on. 

Jungkook -- I see you're wearing the necklace I gave you

Jimin -- *Proudly* I've been wearing it every day and night

Jungkook -- Awwww babe *Kisses Jimin's nose

Jungkook and Jimin were lying on the bed, side by side. If felt so right. This is how it should be. They are not mean to be apart. They're meant to be together. Jungkook turned to look at Jimin. He was sleeping. Jungkook watched s that beautiful boy was sleeping calmly, smiling in his sleep. It lifted a smile on Jungkook's face too. 

/// Hope you like it:)))    

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