Clouds Pt. 9

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Jungkook and Jimin had finally got home from the police station. Jungkook tried his best describing those four gays and what happened. Police also took pictures of Jungkook's bruises for evidence.

As Jimin and Jungkook walked inside , Jungkook went straight to the bedroom and slumped into the bed. 

Jimin -- Honey? Are you alright? I mean of course you're not, but... 

Jungkook -- I'm fine, I'm great, but I'm just worried that they'll do something to you. That's something that I can't accept. They're so dead if they touch you. 

Jimin -- *Sits on the bed, next to Jungkook* Police will catch them, believe me. They can't hurt you or me or anyone then.

Jungkook -- But until that... I won't let you go anywhere alone. I can't let anything happen to you. You're too important to me. You can't even imagine how much I love you.

Jimin -- And you can't even imagine how worried I was when you didn't answer me and then you come home covered with bruises and mud... You literally gave me a heart attack.

Jungkook -- Yeah, well I don't want that happen to you... I can't let ANYTHING bad happen to you. Never.

After those words Jungkook pulled Jimin on top of him and kissed him smoothly and slowly, feeling his lips. Jimin was sitting astride  on Jungkook. Jungkook was smirking under him. Jimin smirked back. Jimin leaned forwards to kiss Jungkook again. They took their time just kissing and snuggling, bodies pressed tightly against each other. Jungkook's hands travelled around Jimin's body and hair, making him moan quietly. 

Jimin -- Mmmh... Oh... Jungkook..

Jungkook -- Uhhh your moans are so hot... I'm getting hard.  

Jimin carefully slide Jungkook's shirt off when Jungkook almost teared Jimin's shirt. Jungkook was so turned on that he didn't want to waste time on getting undressed. 

Jungkook -- Jimin please!! I need it now!

Jimin had never seen Jungkook that horny. Jimin himself was very nervous. What if he'll do something wrong? Jimin didn't want to let Jungkook wait anymore, he was literally gasping and moaning on the bed even thought  Jimin had done nothing yet. 

Jungkook -- Chim Chim!! Please now!

Jimin threw his hesitations away and did what his senses told him to do. 

About half an hour alter: 

Jungkook -- *Still gasping* Whoa! Jimin that was AMAZING, you're so good.

Jimin -- So you liked it?

Jungkook -- Liked? I LOVED it!!

Jimin -- *Smirks* Gimme a kiss. 

Jungkook put his hands on Jimin's cheeks and gave him a passionate french kiss. 

Jungkook -- Jimin...  Can't ever let anything happen to you honey.

Jimin -- I know, Kookie.. You already told me.

Jungkook -- And I have to keep telling it, because it's true. You know what else is true?

Jimin -- What then? 

Jungkook -- That I love you

Jimin -- I know that too *Smiles*

Jungkook - Good. You just have to remember that always and whatever will happen, that will always be true. 

Jimin -- You promise?

Jungkook -- I promise, my darling

Jimin smiled wide at that. 

Jungkook -- Have I ever told you that I love your eyes?

Jimin -- Probably a billion times *Laughs*  

Jungkook -- You're too cute, Chim Chim. I'm melting.

Jimin -- Jungkook... You're being so sweet that I'll be sick soon *Laughs* 

Jungkook -- Whoops *Laughs too* 

The following days Jimin and Jungkook sticked together, they wanted to make sure that the other was safe. They didn't leave each other alone for even a second. The police hadn't caught the gays yet, that kept Jungkook and Jimin on their toes.

Finally, the police called them. They had caught four guys who confessed everything. Police told that they didn't have a motive, they just did it for fun, they said. Jungkook was really angry. Somebody beats people up for fun? They had serious problems. But Jimin and Jungkook were still happy that police finally caught them. 

Jungkook -- I'm so so so lucky to have you in my life. I know I keep saying this, but I just couldn't live without you anymore.  

Jimin -- Yeah, you're literally the best thing that's happened in my life. 

Jungkook -- Awww, Chim Chim...   

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