Clouds Pt. 6

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Jimin, Jungkook and Jimin's mother were all there sitting around the kitchen table. They already have eaten and now Jimin could sense that his mom is going to start asking questions to Jungkook... 

Jimin's mother -- So, Jungkook... 

Jimin -- ( Here we go...)

Jimin's mother -- You seem to be a really nice boy. I can see why Jimin loves you so much. Jimin also told me that you're moving to USA, right?

Jungkook -- Yeah, that's right.

Jimin's mother -- And Jimin has told that you wouldn't mind taking Jimin with you? 

Jungkook -- Yeah, I would be thrilled to have Jimin with me  

Jimin's mother -- And you understand that Jimin is underaged?

Jungkook -- Yes.. He's still very responsible for his age

Jimin's mother -- *Sigh* I can't believe that I'm doing this... Jimin. I think that you're gonna be in good hands with Jungkook. So, I guess you're moving to USA. If you first finish your studies.

Jimin -- R- really? JUNGKOOK DID YOU HERE HER!!!???  

Jimin jumped up from his chair and ran to hug Jungkook. Jungkook lift Jimin up in his arms and spinned him around. Jimin was laughing hysterically. 

Jimin's mother -- Remember, Jimin, that you have to get job from there. And if you want to, you're always welcome back

Jimin -- I'll do whatever I have to! I could even clean toilets all night long if I had to

Jungkook -- I won't let you clean toilets at night, Jimin

Things seemed almost to good to be true. Jimin had only about a month left of his studied. Then he can move to USA with Jungkook. Perfect. Jungkook just have to leave in a few days... But Jimin will move right after. 

Jimin's mother -- And Jungkook... Take good care of my son

Jungkook -- Oh, I will *Smiles*


Days were passing so fast... Jungkook didn't have much time for Jimin, as he had to pack his stuff. Before Jungkook and Jimin both noticed , the day had come. The day that Jungkook would leave to USA. Jimin was feeling a bit down, but he reminded himself that he'd move soon too. Jungkook promised that he would come to say goodbye to Jimin before he leaves. And he did. Jungkook drove to Jimin's house at morning. 

Jimin -- *Runs out when he sees Jungkook's car* JUNGKOOK!!!

Jungkook -- Hey, babe. You alright? I love you

Jimin -- I'm alright. I guess. And I love you too

Jungkook -- Be brave, babe. I'll see you soon. Study well. And take care of yourself

Jimin -- Yeah... *Tears start forming*

Jungkook -- Hey.. Don't cry,  love. Give me a kiss 

Jimin leans forward and presses his lips against Jungkook's lips

Jungkook -- Mmmh.. Thanks babe. I think I need another for good luck 

Jimin laughs and kisses him again 

Jungkook -- Okay that's enough. I could kiss you forever, but I'm gonna miss my flight if I don't go now

Jimin -- *Sigh* Okay... Have a nice flight. And call me when you're there

Jungkook -- I will. See you soon, Chim Chim *Sad smile*

Jimin -- Wait! I need a hug! 

Jimin tried to breathe in Jungkook's smell as much as possible. Jimin pressed his nose against Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook is so warm and soft... Jimin didn't want to let go, but he had to. They said goodbye and I love you to each other. Then Jimin watched how Jungkook drove away. He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't stop few tears drops falling down his cheeks. 

/// Well here is chapter 6 :)))

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