Clouds Pt.3

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Weeks were passing and somehow Jimin managed to keep his boyfriend as a secret. Jimin had planned telling to his mom later tonight. Now he was walking to Jungkook's house. Jungkook had called him and sounded sad. It wasn't long journey, so Jimin arrived there quickly. He knocked on Jungkook's door. 

Jungkook  -- *Opens the door* Chim Chim! Finally! 

Jimin -- You sounded worried on the phone. Is everything alright? 

Jungkook -- I don't know where to start, Jimin... 

Oh no,Jimin thought. They sat down on Jungkook's couch witch was covered with clothes. Jungkook bit his lip, something was clearly wrong. 

Jungkook -- I don't know how to tell you this....

Jimin -- Just say it, Jungkook! 

Jungkook -- I... I have to move.

Jimin -- Move??! Where?!!

Jungkook -- Far. Really far, Jimin. 

Jimin -- *Sobbing* H- how far? W-what a -about me? 

Jungkook -- T- to another country

Jimin -- ANOTHER COUNTRY??!! Why??!! What country?! 

Jungkook -- B- because I got transferred to a better football team, like to really good team... To USA.

Jimin -- Jungkook!!!  You have to take me with you!!

Jungkook -- Jimin... You're underage... Do you really think your mom will just let you leave with a stranger to another country, while you haven't even finished your studies??!

Jimin -- *Crying* She has to!! She just has to!! I'm not staying here alone!! NO. I coming with you... 

Jungkook -- Things just aren't that easy, my love, my money's real tight, I cant sustain us both when I can barley make a living for one! 

Jimin -- So you just leave me....

Jungkook -- Don't say it like that! Do you think I wanna leave you?

Jimin -- Well you chose football over me! 

Jungkook -- Jimin, listen! I can't live here! I don't have enough money to pay my bills, so now when I'll move, I'll be paid much much better! 

Jimin -- But then you make enough money to make a living, right? So I'll come with you and I'm gonna get some job and help you, and then we an live happily. 

Jungkook -- *Sigh* Jimin. I love you. More than everything. And I would be so thrilled if I could take you with me. And IF,  only IF your mom lets me to, I will take you with me. 

Jimin -- She just has to let me come with you

Jungkook -- Jimin... She doesn't know me at all. She won't let you just leave to another country with a stranger

Jimin -- You're my boyfriend, not a stranger! 

Jungkook -- Think wisely now, Jimin. We've been dating only for few weeks! It would be a whole different situation if we would have been dating for years and you'd be fully aged. 

Jimin was about to fall apart. He knew that everything that Jungkook said was true, but he still couldn't believe that Jungkook said those words. 

Jungkook -- Jimin... Just.. Call me when you've talked to your mom, okay? Whatever she says... Call me. 

With tears falling down from his  face he nods and looked down on the floor. 

Jungkook leaned forwards and kisses gently Jimin's forehead. Jimin ran home as fast as he could, rushed in and an straight to his mom. 

Jimin -- *Crying* Mom you gotta let me go!! Mom I have to! I can't stay here! Please!!!! 

Jimin's mother -- What are you talking about? Why are you crying? 

Jimin -- I have to move to USA MOM PLEASE I HAVE TO!!!

Jimin's mother -- TO USA??!! What, Jimin? Did you hit your head? 

Jimin -- With Jungkook !! Mom say yes! 

Jimin's mother -- With Jungkook? That boy you have a crush  on? 

Jimin -- He's my boyfriend...

Jimin's mother -- Your boyfriend? 

After long, long explanations:  

Jimin -- So.... What do you say? 

Jimin's mother -- Jimin. You're underaged. You haven't finished your studies. I don't know that Jungkook. You have only dated him for weeks. You don't have money. And to USA?? No, Jimin. 


Jimin's mother -- Jimin. You can't just move to another country like that! It's a complicated process! You're underaged. 

Jimin -- Jungkook is 18! And I'm with him. You have to understand how important this is to me! I wouldn't see him for ages, if I wouldn't go with him! 

Jimin's mother -- I do understand your point of view, but you don't even know him that well yet! And you have to understand my point of view too. 

Jimin felt like his heart was crying with him. What is he going to do now? Jungkook is moving away, and he couldn't move with him! 

Jimin -- *Speaking on the phone* J- Jungkook... S- she s- said n- no! 

Jungkook -- That's what I thought.... Are u ok, Chim Chim? We can visit each other, right? And speak trough a web cam everyday, if you want to!

Jimin -- *Crying* But what if you find someone else? Better than me, then you forget me, and I'm gonna.... Just rotten here, alone forever! 

Jungkook -- Jimin, no matter how far apart I'll be from you, remember that I'll never stop loving you. Never. 

Jimin -- You have to wait for me, Jungkook. When I'm 18.... I'll come and find you, whenever you are. Promise that you'll wait for me.

Jungkook -- It's a promise. I gotta quit now, Chim Chim, but visit me, tomorrow, okay?

Jimin -- Okay, kookie.... See you tomorrow 

Jungkook -- Great. Bye, love. 

Jimin -- Bye...

The moment after Jimin closed his phone, he let out loud sob, lay on his bed, sobbing under his blanket. 

//// Well here is another one:)  hope you guys like it!!!!   I'm gonna try to write everyday!         

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