Ugly Rat

14 1 0

Kirstin's POV:


I sped to the bathroom and did make makeup, put on my wig, changed, and ran out the door. Forgetting my food.

I almost broke the speed limit, but when I got to school, that left my mind. I saw a large brick building with a bunch of kids by in.

I ran inside and sprinted towards my first class. I pushed and pulled the door, but it wouldn't budge. Then, the teacher opened it for me.


"Do you think you can just come in whenever you want? The are rules and you have to follow them."


"You can join me for detention after school."

Oohhs filled the classroom.

"Now sit down. Mr. Lewis has an empty seat next to him."

I quickly sat next to Jeremy. This was AP Biology, which meant there were 2 person desks. A few minutes into the lesson, he passed me a sticky note. Smiling, I opened it:
|You look like a rat. |
|The kind you set a |
| mouse trap out |
|for. |

What a tool.

I wrote under his writing:
|Aww, looks like |
|someone has a |
|crush. |

And passed it to him. He wrote something and passed it to me, but I just ripped it up. I'm not giving a jerk like that my time of day. I focused my attention back on the teacher.

"... So everyone will have to do a Rube Goldberg project with your partner."

Jeremy turned to me.

"Okay, let's get this over with."

I got out a pen and my notebook and together, we came up with a plan and made a list of everything we need for the project. I'm bringing in a lot of small things, and he's bringing in a lot of big things.

I had 5 other classes, 2 of which were with Jeremy.

After my detention, I took off my makeup and wig and went to Home Depot and started looking for the materials I need.

On my way to the register, I bumped into a jerk wearing Scott's sunglasses.

"Hey, weirdo. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your castle with everyone waiting on you, hand and foot?"

"Shouldn't you be at the pharmacy, giving people that buy estrogen a hard time?"

"For your information, I'm picking up some stuff for a science project. As always, I'll get an A on it."

"Aww, is the big boy going to get a good grade on his little report card. How cute."

He walked away. I won.

I payed for all the stuff and drive home. Later, I got a text from Scott:

Scottie: Where were you today? Mitch and I came over after school and your mom said you weren't there.

Me: I was at the gym. I want a nice booty

Scottie: Well, we'll come over now. Bye

A few moments later, I heard a knock. I opened the door to see Scomiche.

"We need to talk about your crush. If he is who I think he is, you need to make your standards higher."

"You told him what I asked you that one night?" I panicked.

"This is about you. Do you like j. e. r. e-"

"Yes, I have feelings for Jeremy. I don't know why but I do. I know he's terrible to you but I can't change how I feel. I promise I won't act on it."

"If you do, we won't talk to you again."

"I promise I won't." I replied, awkwardly.

"Good, bye."

They left, leaving me with my heart beating a minute.

(I promise this story is going to get more interesting)

The next day at school, I tried not to talk to Jeremy. When we were going our project, I ignored him and just did the project.

"Look, if this is about what I said yesterday... I didn't mean it like that. You can't ignore me forever."

"No, I'm just not into talking."

My phone buzzed.

Scottie: Mitch and I changed our minds. We want you to date him

Me: Really?

Scottie: We decided it would be so funny to play with his heart. He was a jerk to us for years

Me: Bye

Me: I have something to tell you guys later

I looked back up at Jeremy and went the rest of the day giving him compliments and slightly flirting with him.

I drove home and took everything off. I looked at my phone to see that Jeremy had followed me on Instagram. My heart felt a small tingle.

*knock knock knock*

I got up to answer the door. Opening it, I saw my best friends.

"What did you want to tell us?"

I told them the entire story about how I'm pretending to be normal.

"Oh, that's perfect. You can play Jeremy's heart and then completely disappear."

I nodded. I don't want to hurt him.

That night, I felt so many emotions. I don't want to hurt Jeremy, but he shouldn't be aloud to be a piece of shit and blackmail Scott and Mitch for years without being taught a lesson. I wish he was better.


You have 14 missed text from Scottie

Scottie: I found the perfect way to get him to like you. I know what he liked and doesn't like. He'll fall for you in no time.

Scottie: Come to my house today, I'll explain the plan


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