Fortnite x Ice Cream

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(Jerstie Texts)

Kirstin's POV:

Jer Bear: Hey, wanna come over and play video games?

Me: I'd love to. I'll be there in 10

I put my wig on and quickly did some makeup. Running out the door, I grabbed my car keys and hoped that I'd be good at the games. I never played them before.

A few moments later, I got to Jeremy's house.

Ding. Dong.

"Oh, hey K-Beth. What're you doing here?" Scott asked, opening the door.

"Jeremy invited me over."

"Okay. Jeremy! Your girlfriend's here!" He yelled. Smirking at Jeremy, he whispered something in his ear. Jeremy slapped his shoulder as they led me upstairs, into their room.

"So, how long have you been a thing?"

"Shut up." Jeremy went red. We got into their room and Jeremy tired his flat screen and game station on.

"Wanna play Fortnite?" Jeremy asked.

"Okay." What's Fortnite?

He put the CD in and got everything ready. Jeremy and I got controllers and started playing. Wow, Jeremy was good. Jeremy was shooting so many people (in the game), and I couldn't even figure out how to move... Classic Kirstin.

He went right in front of me and I shot him.

"Aww, you won. Good for you." I rolled my eyes. And the Oscar for worst actor in a Wattpad fanfics is-

His phone vibrated. He put it by his ear and smiled.

"Oh, hey Gabbie. Yeah, I can hang out."

"Who's that?"

"Oh, my friend Gabbie. She's a YouTuber. And she's really pretty."


"Let's go. We're going to get ice cream."

"I don't have my wallet."

"I'll pay." Jeremy dragged me to my blue truck and got in the passengers seat. I gently laughed as he tried to buckle himself in by touching the strap as little as possible.

"You okay?"

"Can you clean your car?"

"You said you wanted ice cream."

"Fine, let's just go."

I drove for five minutes to the ice cream shop Jeremy directed me to. The entire time, I was a little worried. What if he liked her more than me? I arrived at the small shop, and we got out of my car.

"Hey guys. Or should j say 'welcome back?" A girl by the shop, with a bob cut asked.


"It's a reference to her channel." Jeremy said, hugging her. I stood there awkwardly.

"So Gabbie, how long have you guys known each other?"

"About a year."

"Wow, that's a long time." I replied.

"Gabbie, this is Beth. She goes to my school." Jeremy smiled at me.

"Hi, Beth." She led us into the ice cream place and we stood in line.

"So, you'll never guess what happened today. I was trying to cancel my gum membership and..." My mind zoned off as Gabbie started talking. All I could think about was how Jeremy thought about her. And about me.

I know it's silly, but 'Beth' hasn't known Jeremy for that long while Gabbie is really close with him. I don't think I even have a chance.

"So, Beth, what would you like." My y foot crush snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I'll have chocolate ice cream. One scoop,"

"You sure?"


The ice cream guy scooped our orders and Jeremy and Gabbie took their wallets out. Jermy paid for mine. If I knew we were going to get ice cream, I would have brought my wallet. I hate eating things other people paid for. It just feels awkward.

"I'll pay you back, #soon." I told him as he gave me my ice cream.

"Yeah, I totally need that one dollar. That was my monthly allowance." Jeremy joked.

As we are our ice cream, him and Gabbie talked to each other about some stuff I didn't really understand. I didn't want to sound stupid, so I just stood there and nodded.

"Well, goodbye." Gabbie told us, hopping into her car.

"Well, she seems nice." I told Jeremy, trying to get on his good side.

"Yeah, and she's really funny." Walking over to my truck, we talked about Gabbie. She seemed so likable. Dammit, I really wanted to hate her.

I mean, when you have a crush, you don't really want to be friends (or at least want to be) with someone they might have a crush on. If they start dating, it'll just make you jealous af.

Hey guys, thanks so much for reading and vote for this part if you liked it.

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