CHAPTER NO.2 (might delete this)

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"joonieeee!..." seokjin called, seeing his therapist and best friend. but...

there was another person.

he was short, with blue hair. they were both blushing.

"wha.." the ravenette froze when their lips touched passionately.

"i was worried about you joonie! don't ever scare me like that!"

"i'm sorry jiminie,' his hands gently wrapped around his waist.

joonie is my name for him...he said I was special..

his hands started to twitch, longing for the smooth wood handle of a knife. something shiny caught his attention.

"..joonie's favorite pen." jin found his sanity draining fast, watching the lovely couple walk out of the asylum.

"he's mine." it was nighttime, almost everyone went home, except for the security guards.

he tiptoed outside his room, chewing it. he heard a familiar tune being whistled.

joonie's favorite song.

the mentally-unstable, heartbroken younger launched on the officer, muffling his surprised scream with his arm.

seokjin used the pen, lodging it deep inside the side of his throat, blood spurting out. he used both of his hands to draw a heart. "i love you joonie."

"you just don't understand how crazy i am for you.." he started to laugh, a dark chuckle turning into a maniac-like giggle.

the dark-haired male grabbed the security card and jacket from the officer, a sharp point of a tranquilizer shining.

"oo, what's this~" he picked up the small needle, shoving it in his pocket.

jin scanned the card against the door, breathing fresh air for the first time in years.

[ 🥀 ]

"jiminie..." he seethed. the young man was on the phone with someone, giggling and running his hand through his hair.

the young man knocked on the door;

"hold on, gotta take this, bye!" jimin went up to the door, a confused expression taking over his face.

"um, can i help you?..are you lost, hey!" he shoved his way in, the other trying to crawl his way to the phone.

"p-please let me go! I d-don't know what I did-"

"and let you miss all the fun? never~" jin inched closer to the trembling boy.

[ 🥀 ]

Was it good?

I wanted this to be the second chapter, but decided to make this the 3rd one.

I like set it off, so this chapter was kind of inspired by it.

I like this chapter, I guess insanity is just my strong point when writing. 🤷🏾‍♀️😂

have a purple day~


crazy but he's mine ✎ yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now