Saving You -5-

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Chapter 5

The incessant ringing of an alarm made Katelyn groan and cover her head with a pillow. When that didn't make the noise stop, she groaned again and sat up, yawning. It took her a couple of seconds to get her bearings, but when she did, she smiled.

It was hard to be annoyed when she was actually looking forward to what the day would hold. She had a job that, even after just one day, she knew she loved. More than anything else, she couldn't wait to see who else she'd meet.

A quick check of the time told her she'd set her alarm to the time she'd normally need it, meaning the time she'd planned to sleep in was now wide open.

Katelyn picked out an outfit to wear, settling for yoga pants and a t-shirt since Mark had told her he would be giving her a couple of pairs of scrubs to wear as uniform. He'd explained it by saying that sometimes people came in with bleeding pets, so it was just a safety precaution to wear scrubs as opposed to personal clothes.

She didn't see Martin as she made her way to the bathroom to run through her morning routine, trying to mentally go through what she needed to do that day as she showered. She knew she had to go to work, and she knew she should really start looking for a place within her budget sooner rather than later.

The water was warm, and relaxed her for the day, easing the aches she didn't realize she'd gained from the day before, and she took the time to fully cleanse any stress she may have had away.

By the time she got out, she was starving. She ran through the rest of her routine quickly, doing her makeup in a natural style since she would be working with animals more than anything else. Katelyn's phone buzzed, lighting up with a text from Laney. The smile was quick to form, and she laughed at the message.

Laney: You never finished telling me about your boss. I'd call you, but my own boss is being a dick again. We WILL talk later, okay?

Katelyn winced. Laney's boss had a habit of being "accidentally" too handsy with his staff, but since he never acted on anything or did something further, no one could ever prove anything. Most people just thought he was friendly, but Laney and the girls she worked with all knew differently. At least, that's what they told Katelyn. They only stuck around because it paid amazing for an entry level position.

Katelyn: I promise we will talk later. I didn't even get a chance to tell you all about his brother yet. ;)

She put the phone back onto the counter to finish up her makeup, smirking a little when it began to buzz like a vibrator. She really shouldn't tease Laney, but she wasn't lying. There was something about Declan that had her attention, and no matter what she'd tried to tell herself the night before whenever he shot her a grin designed to set a girl's libido on fire, she couldn't help but want to keep that focus on her.

She made her way to the kitchen, buzzing phone in hand, as she thought about the time she spent with Declan and Mark. They'd been so much fun to talk to, and she loved what she'd learned about them as they discussed everything from family to music. Mark and Declan had admitted that they're father had had dementia before his passing. They hadn't gone into too much detail, and Mark had said they only told her because if they didn't, the town would. His tone had indicated an end-of-discussion, so she'd just nodded and moved onto why Carla wasn't a millionaire with a chain of restaurants around the world.

There had been some relief in Declan's eyes, but when they'd met her own the relief had quickly faded and become just heated enough to make her question her willpower when it came to staying away from him.

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