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Jimin stayed in the park that evening. The angel's warmth had long faded away; from his surroundings, from his hand, from that place on his forehead where he was kissed, and yet the warmth in his heart kept him outside longer.

Other people were going back to their homes, their voices fading into the distance. Jimin knew he should go, too, but he was too attached to his spot in the gardens to leave. Finally, just as the sun dropped below the horizon, he turned around and walked home, his face cold from the evening chill, but his smile warm.


The next day, he went back to the garden, standing in the same place as before. He was early, earlier than the angel had been the two times Jimin had met him. Yet, he didn't care. He would stand there for days if it meant he could see the other.

Somehow, though, the angel found him. Scarce minutes after he found himself in the spot where the angel kissed him, his companion arrived. First was his shoes and his leg as he walked around the corner. Jimin's amazement increased. He recognised the angel's leg! It was silly, but, it was as if he knew the other completely.

The angel was soon in front of him, with his mint blue hair and his glorious brown eyes. Some would say those eyes were average, but to Jimin, they were pools of warmth and comfort.

'You aren't alone anymore.'

It echoed in his head like a single, crystalline droplet echoing through a sea cave.

The angel walked down the path gracefully, his eyes already sparkling at Jimin. He blushed shyly, but couldn't look away. He swore that the angel's skin was dusted with gold sparkles and that wings would unfurl from his shoulder blades at any moment, white with delicate gold tips and the softest feathers.

He was so wonderful.

Finally, the angel was in front of him. The angel reached up to his face, placed his soft hand on Jimin's softer cheeks and opened his mouth.


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