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Jimin stared.

And he stared.

At the angel's lips.

Had that sound come from them? Jimin was deaf, wasn't he?

He opened his mouth to respond. "Hi..." he greeted, his voice raspy from disuse. Wonderment was in his tone, on his tongue, in the air.

The angel spoke once more.

And Jimin cried.

Because he couldn't hear him again. The angel's voice was so beautiful, even though he had heard only one word.

That wondrous, vibrant word. And it was so much more vibrant, because he could detect another sound.

He could hear the grass under someone's feet.

There was no one walking near them, but he could hear the grass rustling as someone walked on it. It was the barely-there sound that permeated his haze of silence when the angel first showed up.

The rustling of grass and a simple hello. It was so little to everyone else, and yet...

Jimin had never heard those sounds before this. They were loud, deafening, in his world where sound was only something he could wish for, and something he couldn't even imagine.

Before the angel's feet made the grass rustle, the concept of sound was so unknown to Jimin. It was like something heavenly that no one could wrap their heads around. Something that could bless your tongue with its taste, that could heal your body and your heart with only a bare touch, something that could free you of the worst fears and nightmares when nothing else can. It was something intangible, unknown, completely new and yet so very ancient.

The angel's warm eyes saddened when he realised that Jimin couldn't hear him anymore. His thumb gently brushed the other's jaw, comforting. A moment later, he brought his hand up to the other cheeks and slowly wiped away the tears that had fallen.

More tears escaped Jimin's eyes at the affectionate gesture. What was this angel doing, consoling a pitiful human like him? He wasn't worth anything compared to him, with his fractured mind and ears and his dangerously delicate soul.

'I'm sorry! I'm sorry!' he mouthed.

The angel frowned and tugged him into a hug. It was loving, encompassing and protective. Jimin's tears didn't stop, but his body, which he never noticed had been shaking violently, calmed down. In the soft embrace of the angel, Jimin's silent tears slowed and his shaking subsided gradually.

He looked up at the angel's face shyly. As soon as he registered the angel's teary eyes and shaky, sad smile, he knew.


I think I fell in love with an angel today.'

Deaf | BTS Short Fanfiction | YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora