ch.1 finding her.

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Ban's pov

I break out of prison after a long but not too long years. I look around and see guards. "I'm done rotting here ok?" "Where are you going?" I see a holy knight, Jericho.

"Oh. Sup jerka" "That's Jericho." "Yeah I know I know." She takes out her blade and swings at me. I groan but then laugh. My hair is shorter and smaller. "Thanks. Maybe you should quit being a holy knight and do people's hair for a living." She shakes in fear.

"I like your armor kid, I'm going to take it."

After a while I get going but run into old friends. I greet meliodas by slamming him into walls. Playfully. Soon we go to there bar and everything is good.... But everything isn't good.

"Hey ban! What's wrong?" Meliodas asks coming outside where I'm sitting. "Nothing." I sip the ale. "You seem upset." "Well captain... I abandoned someone... And I want to go back for them but... I don't think they'll forgive me... But I wanna go back for her." "Her?" "Them." "That depends who is she to you?" "I mean not much... Just a old friend but she's like my little sister... I just left her."

"Ban that wasn't your fault. Where does she live?" I shrug "she's probably on the run so I don't know. Meliodas smiles "then with the boar het we can find her" "Hey captain... Don't tell anyone about this ok?"

He smiles. "Oh course not.-" "Captain I'm not playing" "Who said I was?" I smile "ok ok ok. Thanks I'm going to sleep." "Out here?" "Yeah I guess I am."

Y/n's pov

I ran away from the Ravens after people were trying to lock me in jail. I'm about 10 now so it's fine. Ban left me here and I'm not mad... Just... Ok I'm mad.

At least take me to prison too! I see the next town up ahead and take a look. My tail moves left and right my ears twitching. I run across the street and people look at me strange.

I then hide in the ally way. Soon enough I see my target. "You can't just take it and run. You have to be sneaky or then everyone will see you, got that?" I walk up slowly in the large crowd and see a man with some money bags.

I grab three and run. He catches me and beats me up till I bleed on the ground. "Ow..." I try to get up but I'm weak and tired and pretty hungry. "Ew look at that!" I hear "guards! Guards! Come get this.. Thing!" I rush out of there trying not to be caught and then I turn into a cat.

I hide in a box and wait. They go and I sigh of relief. I then jump around trying to steal the next thing. All I can steal is a dusty hoodie so I use it to cover my ears. This is impossible.

Ban's pov flashback

"Hey kid... Where did you get those?" "What old man?" "... I'm not old." "Whatever." "Kid didn't your parents ever tell you manners?" She stops eating and then continues.

I have a secret hideout and brought this girl in. Her name is y/n. She was poor and I thought she might need help. "Listen if your going to stay with me you need to listen to me ok?" "Shut up. You piece of crap. Your old and I don't have to listen to you." "Where did you get your ears?" "I don't have to tell you."

Soon she take some a bite but starts getting tired. "Tired huh?" "S-shut.... Up.." I rest her head on my legs. "It's ok to sleep... If you sleep you'll never grow up."

I wake up. "Ow... My head." I go downstairs and everyone is eating breakfast. "Captain I could use a drink." "Isn't it a little to early?" "No.... It's not really."

Chapter done! Bye guys!

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