ch.5 writing

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The next morning

"Ugh.. My head." I get up and look around. My dream was a flashback? I look at my hands. I throw the pillow at the wall. "Damn it! Why did I fall asleep?" I should have stayed up and stealed food.

I don't feel like doing anything... The talk me and ban had... I guess I'm being a little mean but it's just instincts.  I try to protect myself as much as possible. I can't help it, it's so hard to trust people!

I make it downstairs and see nobody. I grab a apple and go under the table. I wonder if being half animal has anything to with anything with writing? To be honest I really would love to write. I would love to write so many stories... It's just.. I can't.

I see a ink and pen. I look around. I grab it off the table and use my finger. I try to write but I don't know how. Maybe the pen? I try to write but it breaks.

I throw the pen. "Whatever it was a silly dream anyway." I hear footsteps and quickly hide it behind my back. It's the princess and the pig.

"Hello y/n would you like to come shopping with us?-" "I can't." "Huh why?" Hawk asks. "Well... If I'm seen out in public with my ears and tale... I could die. I just can't " They frown. Elizabeth runs over to a closet and grabs something.

I actually really want to go shopping. But it's either no shopping or death. "Do you want us to buy you something?" Hawk asks. "Uh no. But Food is fine."

Elizabeth comes back with beautiful hoodie and as you can tell I love hoodies. Its a good way to hide them and there warm and nice inside... That kinda sounds wrong but who cares.

Omg the hoodie has a soft warmth inside like a fluffy pillow. "It's pretty cold today but you can wear this. It has somewhere to hide your tail too." I guess I don't have a choice... Well I do I just want to go.
"Ok fine. I'll come." I put it on and I love it. We walk into town and I'm a bit nervous. "So do you want anything special?" She asks "no.-" I look over everywhere and see a few things. Elizabeth and hawk go over to the girl section for Elizabeth.

"Wow! Hawk look at this." I wonder off a bit to a cake store. I stare at the cakes then I look over at a cake notebook. I has such a cute design and I could practice writing more... In secret.

"Hey you like that?" I see Elizabeth. "N-no. Just looking." We allegedly nd up buying cakes and I kinda steal the notebook because I'm a scrub and to afraid to ask for it.

Soon enough we go back. I secretly go outside in the back and realize I don't have ink. I remember I left some ink inside. I put the book down and sneak inside. I crawl under the table when I hear, "what are you doing here?" I hit my head as I see ban. "Nothing." "I found this do you want it?" He has a mini cake and a small drink.

"Woo! Please can I have that?" He smiles. "Say the magic word." "Give it." "No." I sigh. "Please?" "There you go. Here." He hands it to me.

"Now say thanks." "Your welcome ban." I see the ink and quickly grab it and run out. Talk about laying low. I see my notebook is gone. "Huh? Where did it go---" I then see it. A dear has it.

"Hey give that back!" Wait I can talk animal. I try to talk to it but it's useless. It comes to me and slowly drops it on the ground. "Thanks---" The deer starts running but this time picks up my notebook.

I rush after it and jump far. I get my hoodie caught in branches so I let it go. Then the deer runs into mansion. How? I run inside and my eyes widen in fear.

There are skins of animal fur and stucked on the wall. I see the deer and it drops the notebook for good. I grab it and look inside. A bit broken but it's ok.

I hear the doorknob shake and the door close. I turn and see a man. He smiles "well hello little one. What are you doing here?" I start shaking.

I don't have anything to hide my ears or tail. I look around the house.

"Oh. You see my furs. Don't worry I didn't put these they were here  when I moved in." I don't say anything. He looks at the deer. He grabs it neck and opens the door to throw it outside. "My name is sultan. I own this place it's my home. May I ask for your name?"

My nervous start to calm down. "I-im y/n. I think I should go now." I head for the door when he stops me. "You seem hungry. Would you like to join me for lunch?" I smile "really mister?" He nods.

"Come with me." I smile as I follow him to the kitchen.

Little did I know... My life was at stake.

Do you trust him? I do! Bye! I dont.

Ban's little sin.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang