ch.4 clothes

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I start shaking. I grab the rope and start ripping it with my mouth. The princess glances over to me and her eyes widen. "You!" "..." She walks over to me.

"Your the one who embarrassed me in front of that village." "And your the snotty princess who tried to attack me. I hate royalty.. You guys are the worst. " I spit on her foot.

"That's it! grimoire I've had enough if her." "I was just think of the same thing." I break the rope and dash off. I run and run till a hand grabs me. I turn and see the princess. "That's enough! Your coming back with me to live your freakishly life in pain!" Soon her hand gets slapped.

I look up and ban is barely up but has enough energy to move a little. "Get... Away.. From.. Her." "Ban-" "Run ok? Turn into a cat and I'll catch you ok?" I nod and head for it covering my ears. I turn into a cat and rush out of my clothes.

I run into the woods in a log and hide.

Ban's pov

I had to fight them off till I ran it of energy. And soon enough we had all lost the battle. Before we let completely I ran into the woods and found her sleeping... In her human form.. Gosh I need a spare change of clothes.

Y/n's pov

I feel like someone is moving me.... Who? I open my eyes slowly and ban is holding me.. And I'm in my human form with no clothes!

"Finally your up." I freak out but see I have a large cloth covering me. "Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" I shake my head. "What about you ban?" "I'm barely alive but yeah." I look around as we walk near another part of the woods.

"Where are we going?" "To.. Somewhere my friends live. Dont attack anyone ok?" I don't say anything. "Ok?" He repeats. ".... I won't attack anyone." He smiles "that's a good girl. Now they don't know your human and cat so do you want to wear a hoodie? I couldn't find clothes even if I did I didn't want to change you, you know?"

"Yeah I know." He puts me down and I see were at a bar. "The.. B-b... B..-" "Boar hat. You don't know how to read?" I shake my head "I never went to school." "Hm. You and me both." "Then how can you?--" "Long story I'll tell you another day." He opens the door and nobody is there.

"Ban are you the owner?-" "Heck no. If I was all this ale would be gone and the money would be gone and the place would be destroyed. But the cooking would be great." I giggle.

"Hey ban! Your back!" I hide behind ban in fear. "Hey captain. I found what I was looking for." "Your cat? Ale? Food?" "Yeah my cat."

He taps my back and I don't do anything. "Come out he doesn't bite." I come out slowly and the Boys eyes widen. "Oh your that girl from the fighting festival. Ban this is your cat? Why is she in a cloth? You couldn't give her clothes?" "Look captain, I found her hoodie and stuff but listen. When she turns into her animal form her clothes disappear or they just fall on the ground. I could find them."

"Oh ok. Nice to meet you I'm meliodas."He holds out his hand and I slowly shake it. Soon everyone else comes down stairs and ban Introduces them to me.

"Hey princess could you find her some clothes? I can't really because... It's kinda weird and I don't know anything about girl stuff. Y/n go with her." Princess?! Ban you know I hate princess!! "N-no I'm good I like my clothes." "Your wearing a cloth. Just go." I go.

She goes to a room looking at the wardrobe. "So what kind of outfit do you like? Dresses? Skirts? Pants? Just long shirts?" I don't say anything. I don't like princess! Or any royalty. I'm 13 I can do whatever I please.

"Hm?" I turn my head. "I'm just fine thank you. I don't need any help from you." She's confused. "Look you royals are all the same. Think you can do whatever you want when you want don't have to work a day in your life, while people out there are suffering and cant do anything about it! You guys just stay with your perfect families and don't worry about what's going on around you. That's how it's been and how it's going to be forever."

She frowns. "Is that why you hate my sister?" I look up and she has a serious face. "I hate everyone. Everyone but ban. I just want to be alone forever." I walk up to the closet and grab a shirt and pants. I then put them on and the hoodie covering my ears.

I then climb out the window onto the roof and shut the window.

Ban's pov

Elizabeth comes down stairs and I ask. "She ran away didn't she?" "N-no she's on the roof." "Oh ok. She alright then." "I think she hates me." I sip the ale. "She hates everyone. But she just doesn't like that your a princess. I know why but I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh ok." "When she's cursing that's when she's mad, ok?" She nods.


"So y/n what do you want to be when your older?" I ask cooking the meat for our dinner. "Hm... A princess." "A princess?" "Yeah of I'm a princess then I can tell people what to do and I'll help everyone."

I giggle. "When you do can you lend me some money?" "Ban you will be be living with me, ok?" I smile. "What do you wanna do?" I shove the meat in my mouth.

"I'm going to be the best bandit that every lived then I'll buy as much ale as possible." She throws something at me. "That's not a dream! That's a wishlist!" "Yeah, that's what I'll do-- oh! Then I'll bring my girlfriend back to life."

"Oh ok. How was your girlfriend?" I think while handing her food. "Lets see... She was cute and about your height. She's a fairy and her hair smells perfect. She's also sweet and good at listening. I think she'd like you, but you'd have to be a good girl ok?" She smiles.

"I'll be the best person ever--" We hear noise coming from far. We go and I grab your/n to cover her eyes. "D-dont look over there!" "Ban why?! People are screaming!" Tears fill my eyes and I grab her.

She pulled away and when she sees what's there starts to cry. The men look over to her. "Look another one!" In anger I grab her and start running.

We say some royals... They were wiping half animal kids and using them for slaves... There from a far kingdom.. Why? I sit her down as we are in the clear zone.

She's crying and I try to make her feel better. "Ban! I don't want to be Royal anymore... I want to die! I don't want to go threw this anymore!" I grab her to hug her.

"As long as I'm alive... You will never die ok? I'll help you live with me? We can live in a big mansion and I'll be your servant or whatever you please... Just keep going for me ok?"

She cries in my arms and I never want to see that again.... I don't want to see her so sad.

Y/n's pov

I sit on the roof and look at the sky. I'm thirteen I don't need to act like a child waiting for someone to come get me. I crawl back inside till I lay on the bed to sleep.

"Hey.... Wake up." I open my eyes slowly and see ban staring at me. "I hear your giving a ruff time." He says ruffling my hair. I just blink to tired to say a word.

"Sooner or later your going to have to open up." "You don't open up to humans or anyone else." He doesn't say anything. "Yeah but, I don't want you to grow up to me." "I trust you." He stops. "T-thanks"

"Ban why do you hide here?" "So I don't get caught. Kid these people are after me. If I get caught I go to jail." "Why? I get your too old to be roaming the streets without a guardian but still."

He smirks "oh shut up." I laugh. "Can I have some ale?" He passes it to me as I sip it down. "So you don't know how old you are?" "No, what's the point?" "To... Good point."

"Here let me show you something--" I start to get sleepy. "I show you in the morning."

The next morning

"Ban! What did you want to show me?" He turns. "How would you like to learn how to write?" My eyes widen. "For real? Show me how!" He teaches me how to read the letters and a few words but when it gets to writing it was impossible.

"Its ok ban... I know why I can't do it... Being part animal mean you kind of have hands like a animal so it's hard to control my hands."

I pick up the pencil and my hand starts to shake. "That's not why... When the time comes you'll know what you'll do best."

I smile. "I trust you ban." His eyes widen. "Thanks."

Chapter done! Bye!

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