ch.7 age and past

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Ban picks me up. He wipes my tears "come on." He covers my eyes as we walk downstairs. I never saw what happen... And I never want to.

When he uncovers my eyes I see I'm covered in blood and all sort of stuff. "Next time down run off ok?" Oh I'm never leaving a bed again.

I don't say anything. I see hawk and he just looks at me. I just cuddle with ban. I'm so scared and I don't want to do anything. "Are you ok?" He asks. I just shake my head.

"It's ok I get it. Your scared." I nod. "I told you don't run off with people... Do you want to tell me what happened?" I open my mouth.

"I'm sorry." He looks at me. I don't say anything. I start to cry some more. He holds me in his arms till I fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up all clean... Was that all a dream. I touch my cheek and now I know, oh gosh that was scary... I didn't know there could be people like that.

I don't want to do anything anymore. I curl up in a ball and see the sun shining. Would my mother and father help me if they were here?

I'll never go outside again.

Soon later the kingdom says that the sins are free and aren't criminals... But that still doesn't mean people like me can come out. I've been talking to the others more.

I don't go outside or pass the door. But I have a plan for today. I'm going to write today. I have a story I want to read but nobody has the story so I'll write it.

I grab a paper and pen. I then stand at the door of the boar hat. I sit on the porch and start writing.

It's pretty good and I think it's good. Its weird... This doesn't look like regular writing. "What are you doing?" I look up to see Merlin we also found gowther.

"Nothing" "Your doing something." "I'm writing." Merlin look at it. "Y/n what kind of writing is that?" "I don't know. I can read it." "Weird... Could you write me something then."

Uh.. No. "Sure what is it?" "Just write me something like.. Here write me.... Your name." I do and she tries to read it. "What? I know I can't write I can read it."

"Y/n where did you grow up before travelling with ban?" I don't say anything. "I don't want to say... Sorry. My past scares me." "Hm.. It's fine."

I finally write it and since I don't know how to use Grammer but it's good enough... I wrote my dream. Soon after I kept practicing. I went off the go write on stone.

"So this is nice. I guess writing isn't so bad." I hear footsteps. I look up and see the one and only ban. "Hey what are you doing?" "I don't know." I lie. He tries to read it.

"Hey how did you learn to write like this?" "Well I don't know but it says someone went on a journey and never came back, a young hero found them and saved there life." Ban eyes widen. "You can read this?" I nod.

"Wow that's cool. Hey people have been asking you a lot about your past lately huh?" I stop writing. "The hell with the." "Stop cursing, how long are you going to be 13?" "I don't know. Someone told me I was thirteen, I could be 10"

"Come on your not going to tell me what your past is?" ".. Ban it's just... I went threw a lot before I met you.... My parents died in front of my eyes and they told me the world was just jealous of my ears and tale so I won't be treated the same."

Ban listens more. "After that... Well I guess before that I lived in a town with only half animals and it was great.. But then like I said... They died but I can't quite tell what they look like... I had to survive on my own and it was hard.. Most of the time I was almost kidnapped or killed but then... I met you." I turn and smile.

"Did you learn how to write?" "Ban I was like 6,5,3 I don't know. I didn't care about anything but what I was going to eat or if.. If I'd ever find happiness."

He smirks. "I'm sorry you lost all of that but your a really talented girl... I think there's a way to know your age." I turn to him. "Really? How?"

We go to gowther. Hes going to read my mind to see the years and all the stuff then find out my age. He looks at me. I look at ban. "Ban get out because if I'm like 5 I don't want you to be here." "No I'm staying." I sigh.

Gowther does it and then he says, "12." "Oh I was close. Oh that sucks... Can I still be 13?" "No" Ban says laughing.


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