ch.6 the weird man who lives in the woods.

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"Now don't trust strangers ok?" "Your a stranger ban." "Well... Yes I am but I've saved your life and I'm a hero. It's hard but you just have to trust me."

"What wrong with not Trusting people?" "Look... Men will kill you.. Other people will give you special treats like candy or food and a home and then strike back to kill you and take your fur."

I start to shake. He grabs me to hug me. "Your the closes thing to family ok? If you ever got hurt I'd kill the person who hurt you. It makes me sad to know you won't be welcomed in the world." "Ban... Why do you like me? Even though I have ears like this?" He smiles. "I was treated like crap when I was around your age... People didn't like me till... Never mind."

"Thank you." "Only trust people if there my friends and I say you can trust them Don't go wondering off into the woods or off with strangers.. What you did to me to follow me wasnt smart.. But the right thing to do. So just stay by my side and I'll make sure your safe."

I nod. "I won't go wondering with strangers... Ever."

"So I can make sandwichs."  I sit down on a chair. He starts chopping up the food. "So how old are you y/n?" I think "around... 13" "Oh ok. You must be all alone out here huh?" "No. I live with someone and his friends."

"Do they know your out here?" "No." He smirks "that's such a shame. You shouldn't be out here alone you know? There are a lot of evil people in the world."

I blink. "I know I can fight." He smiles "did your parents ever tell you about stranger danger?" I don't say anything.

"Oh I'm sorry. I won't ask you again. Here you go." I see a sandwich like only the rich people would eat. "Would you like some tea? Juice? Ale?-" "Ale please." He gives me a small cup as we eat.

He stares at me and when I look at him he gives a smile. "Sorry it's just your really rare. I've never seen a cat like you. I've only studied animals like you but when I heard there were such humans like animals I always wanted to meet one."

"Have you other than me?" He grins "of course." "What about these skins?" "I told you, they were here when I got here." "Did you just move in?"

"No I've been here for at least 5 years." I gulp. "T-then why don't you take them down?" "Of there really nice to me. I think they make my house brighter. It's sad to see these use to be lives but it's nice to see them to me."

He shows me around his house all the skins which makes me feel weird. He makes me feel at home. "I've seen every animal... But a cat. There super rare like I've said." "Oh."

Bans POV

I have a weird feeling. Y/n has only been gone for 30 minutes but that girl is always getting into trouble. "Hey master!" I call out. He comes "what?" "Use your smell to help me find y/n" "Oh ok. You don't know where she is?" "No" "Wow your a horrible dad." I almost spit out my ale.

"I'm not her father. Ive been trying to find her parents but she just won't tell me what happened to her family. I see her more as my sister than I'm here father." "Oh ok. So do you think she's far?" "She's smarter than to go run off with a stranger."

"Ok let's go!" I get up with hawk and he starts smelling everywhere. "Keep going." I say as I stop. "Ok, ok, geez calm down."

I hope your ok.

Y/n's POV

Soon it gets dark outside. "Oh it's getting dark Mister. I would love to stay but ban would want me to go home now.--" "Oh I'm sure he wouldn't mind. You should stay the night." I start getting scared.

"No no I'm fine. I really should get home." I start walking off but he grabs my hand. "Sorry but I really think you should stay." I have tears in my eyes.

"N-no! I can't I told you." He starts pulling my hand and I bite him. He waves his hand and I make a run for it. He grabs me and starts pulling me.

"No! I've already let a car human get away from me once! I would let it happen again!" He pulls me into a room and ties me to a pig table with skins of animals everywhere.

"Now stay here and I'll be back." I start to cry. He leaves and closes the door. After sometime he comes back with tape, knifes, stuffing, and bandages. He puts on gloves and his mask.

He turns to me and I try to pull the rope he tied on me away. "Don't bother. Its no use." He come sovereign and puts tape on my mouth.

He goes over to a closet and opens it up. I start crying even more. It's animal skins with stuffing filled with them. They were like me tricked and killed. He touches one and rips the stuffing out.

"I love to here them scream till there dead... So scream so loud till my ears burst please." He grabs the knife. "First I'm going to rip you open and take out all your insides... Then I'm going to clean you put stuffing in you. I'll take out your eyes and sew buttons in your eyes. Then I'll see your mouth up and dress you up like my little doll."

He smirks. "Don't worry you'll be my own little toy. I'll play with you everyday." When he gets closer I kick his face and blood spits out.

He laughs. "Thanks for your message." He grab his knife and I start shaking. "I had fun today." He aims the knife and then stops when there's a banging on the door.

"Ugh! What now! I'm busy with something." He takes off his gloves and mask and puts down the knife. "Here you can breath." He rips the tape and walks away.

He stops at the door. "Try escaping and I'll make sure I'll make the pain slow and long." He walks off and I can help but to cry. I try pulling the rope and its hard to move them.

I use my mouth to bite one of the ropes and it snaps. I then use that hand to untie everything else. I get up and start running and I bump into him.

"I said don't escape." "Let me go! I don't want to die!" He sighs. "Nobody wants to die. But we all have to one day." He grabs my hand and I try to pull away.

"Stop fighting!" "No!" He throw me in the room again and I can't help but to cry some more. He goes over to the table and he touches the rope.

"Gosh this cost a lot. Like I said I'll make dying painful and hard." He closes the door with a lock. He turns to me and throws the knife hitting the wall.

"I collect animal skin for a living. I hate animals so I do anything in my power to end the freaks. I want to see them in pain and crying for mercy.... Cry for mercy." I start to shake.

"I said cry for mercy!" I start to cry and I curl up in a ball. He grabs my shirt. He then uses another knife to cut my cheek. "You don't listen! Nobody will ever love you! I'm trying to end your suffering and to kill you!--" I start crying and screaming. I'm scared. He slaps me constantly and punches me till blood comes out. The door gives a bang.

"Damn it!" He throws me on the ground and kicks me in the stomach. He stomps downstairs and then I hear punching and kicking.

When I hear footsteps coming I tremble in fear. I start crying giving up wanting to die. I wish I just stayed in my bed or under a table... I don't want this.

I feel my body being picked up. I look up and it's ban.

Saved. Bye.

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