ch.8 sick

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The next morning I don't feel good. My head hurted and my stomach felt hot and cold at the same time. I don't know what's happening this hasn't happened before. I walk downstairs and everyone greets me.

"Hey--" I sneeze very loud. My nose is stuffy and feels weird. "Are you ok? " Meliodas asks. "Y-yeah." I sniff my nose. I grab nakins and clear my nose. "Here let me feel your head." King says coming close. I back up.

"No! I mean.. No. I'm fine." Am I sick? If I'm sick then I'll have to stay in bed and I'll be weak! I can't be sick! Everytime I feel like coughing or sneezing I run away and do it. Soon my body feels weird and cold and hot.

I grab my blanket and curl up while I write on the table. Soon ban wakes up and I see them talking. Wait what did I do? Ban comes over to me. He sits next to me.

"Hey are you ok?" I sneeze. "Y-yes. Im fine I'm ok--" I keep sneezing and I sniff. He puts his hand on my forehead. "Hey stop! I'm just fine." "Wow your burning up. I think you are sick." "Ban! Your hands are just hot." "No I'm serious. You seem hotter than normal." I shake my head.

"I'm fine--" He picks me up and carries me to his bed. "Nope your sick. I can't allow you to get anyone else sick."  He lays me down. I get to write the rest of the day and he just takes to whole day to treat me.

"You know half animals tend to never get sick. I I guess since your still young it's hard for you to stay healthy." "I didn't want to get sick." "Nobody does. Why didn't you tell someone?" "Well... I don't know. I guess I didn't want to stay in a bed all day... I wanted to do something else." I reread the stuff I wrote.

"Ban..." "Yeah?" "Have you ever gotten sick before?" He nods. "It's all natural. You'll be better soon, trust me." "I hope." I cough. Ban gets up. "I'll get you some medicine." My whole world stopped. I didn't like how it sounded and I didn't want to try it." 

He leaves to go get it and I get up and rush towards the window with a blanket around me. I open the window and climb down. I then run into the woods and hide. I sneezed.. . A lot. The pollen made everything worse. 

At this point I could barely see. I got up and walked. I then realized I was back at the boar hat. Ban was running to me. "Y/n! Why did you run away?" I sniff. "P-please don't give that to me." He sighs. "I have too, Just swallow it." He pours the medicine into my mouth and I drink it. It was gross. 

He soon put me back in bed and I was sick for the next 2 days. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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