Gerard Way x reader Soulmate AU

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Today was shit like really i wanna fucking die.

I held the cold blade to my wrist 





thats all i did until i saw the blood flow down my wrists and i smiled actually feeling something.

and i sat up from the bathroom inside the school and i used the toilet paper as a makeshift bandage and i walked out not showing the stinging pain in my arm until i was pushed into a closet.

And i was pushed against the wall and he grabbed my wrists and pulled down my sleeve and he looked straight into my eyes and started tearing up and i winced at the pain and he just stood there crying infront of me until he said "please promise me you won't do this again" 

i was so fucking confused because why would he care about me

and then i said "why would you care?" "BECAUSE KATHERINE YOU NEED TO SPARE A LIFE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE AND DON'T LET ANYONE SAY ANYTHING ELSE!" uwu he cares and then i was there then he stood up and crashed his lips into mine and i kissed back his lips were soft and tasted like coffee and cigarettes. ew.

Once we parted hewas crying even more and said like his voice was a wishper "katherine, please dont do that to yourself, you can't.........youjust can't."    "I have to its the only way ican feel something" even though when we kissed i actually felt something like me body was alive again i could now feel everything in my body. 

Was he the key?

The Key for not feeling numb?

i've found my missing piece.

He looked at me and then walked out of the closet dragging me with him and we past the corridors of the school and he led me outside and took me into his car and he finally spoke "katherine i need you alive" "why?" "because with you i can see the the worlds colors" "what?" "don't you see we were made for eachother!!" i haven't noticed it but before i met him or even touched him i never saw color. "were we really?" then i thought he might do this to get in my pants "yes" "fine whats that color?" i pointed at the radio and he said "Black with purple lighting" it was true awesome. i had just met my soulmate.

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