Imagine who you wantx Reader

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I searched up pills that can kill you if you overdose and Advil was I'm pretty sure what everyone has at their home.

{Anyone POV:

We loved each other so much even though we've had so many fights I still love her. She is my whole life. I'm lost without her. We've shared so many years together I don't know how to live without her. Were all made out of demons and she helped me get through it and now I have to face her. We need to be together, we made a promise "together always even when I'm not there your always gonna be on my mind". After thinking for hours and hours I got up the courage to go to her house. I walked out and grabbed my leather jacket and keys and started the car.

Jordan's POV: I can't believe It's fucking come to this.... we promised each other. We've had fights but this time it was really done.... I still need you. Come back please. I waited and waited for the right words to come for my note. And here it is;

I waited as promised and you never came

It breaks my heart.

Please forgive me I never wanted to let go of you.

Now It's come to this the pain it hurts more than anyone can imagine

I can't live without you.

I want you to come back I never wanted to let go of you.

I'm sorry...but I can't deal with this.

~Jordan Shade

I knew after this fight it was gonna be it, but I thought he'd come and we'd be happy but the thought of him not doing anything makes my heart break every second. I walked upstairs into my bathroom and locked it. My dad finally it'll go away. These thoughts are filling my head I have to do it I want to be free goodbye fucking cruel as world~

I walked to the mirror and opened it and I grabbed the Advil and I poured a bunch in my hand and had the facuet running and shoved them in my mouth and drank water and swaolled them and I waited then my vision started to get blurry and I heard the door open, and next thing i know I fell down and my vision went black.

{anyone POV}

I parked and ran into to the doorstep and got the extra key and unlocked the door to hear the faucet running and A thud. I knew what it was.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Jordan FucK! please don't let that be you!

I ran upstairs to Jordan's room and she wasn't there and I ran to her restroom and I kept on calling her name. Please still be alive. "PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME !" "JORDAN!" The door knob was locked Fuck. Guess running through the door would be . Jordan's dad is still asleep damn fucker he caused this. I'm gonna kill him.

Ramming through the door it won't budge my fucking arm hurts. I was crying at this point. One last time I have to do this.

Ramming through the door I finally got it open just to find my worst nightmare.

I run to her and scream and I call 911 

Operater: Hello? 911 whats your emergency?

Anyone: Yes uhh hello this is {who you want} and my girlfriend she umm overdosed can you come quickly?

operater: Yes umm what is her name and her adress?

Anyone: Yes her name is Jordan shade and were at {anywhere i guess} can you come now?

Operater: yes i'm sending units there right now

ANyone: Yes thank you bye.

It was so hard stifiling the tears and I hold her close and I feel her heartbeat and I'm screaming 

"please don't leave me!" Hold on please I still need you I'm lost without you.I hear sirens outside and yell "she's in here!" paramedics come in and take her. Police are outside and the police tape and Police are holding me back "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" "let me go!" "I WANT TO GO WITH HER!" finally after hearing my screams. A police officer came up to me and said "sir are you the one who found her?" "yes! I AM!" "ok then you csan ride with her" oh thank you god. "follow me sir" "ok" She was being pulled into a paramedics truck and she laying still. Pacing trying to help holding your hand. They take your pulse. I really don't want to let you go. I just want to hear you saying "baby lets go home" thats all you used to say when we were together.

Your silent as they drive quickly to the hospital. I'm taking your hand I wonder if you can feel me. Can you hear me? please don't leave me. Comeback I still need you. I swear to love you all my life. They stop and the paramedics and drag you out and I follow  they take you to a room and their pumping your stomach and I try to go in with you but they stop me and they send me to the waiting room. I was waiting until A person comes in and It's jordan's dad he's still with a bottle in his hand and still in his boxers and a robe that's still fucking dirty and he's drunk great.

I was waiting for them to say it was okay to visit you and Your dad. He's talking shit

"i didn't do anything shes a dumbass"

"i hope she dies she was a mistake"

"fucking bitch couldn't hold it in "

"fucking w

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