Alcoholic gerard x reader pt2.

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Slamming the door as loud as I could. Lucky 2.0 looked so confused when I put him on the shotgun seat and I sat at the drivers seat crying... I felt his paws on my thigh while he licked my hands. Laughing and wiping tears I pulled out of the drive way and started driving towards Ray's house.

"I'm never going back to him" I felt a little joy when I saw Ray's house

His house was small but so humble I love it. Parking in the driveway, I walked out of the car while picking up Lucky... and walking towards the door.. 'Shit what am i supposed to sa-'

"Y/N!" The door was opened shiz... I tried to avoid his eye contact, "H-hey" "What brings you he- oh no" "Y-yea-" Before I could finish I was engulfed in a hug. His hugs make me break. I feel the tears threatining to spill. I can't hold back anymore he knows something is wrong. He always knows. We walk into his living room and sit on his couch. He looks at me, I can feel his eyes on me. "So what happen--" , before he even got to finish his sentence I hugged him and balwed on his shoulder. I cried for almost 15 minutes. My head was basically planted on his shoulder. When I finally felt ready to explain to him I moved my head and I looked at his shoulder and saw the mess I made.
"Aaww Ra-" "Its fine..this shirt needed a wash anyways"
"So are you gonna tell me what happened?" I almost forgot about it being with Ray is like being next to an actual rainbow forgetting everything that is bad and just being overwhelmed with joy, and happiness. I forgot everything. For a minute I stared at the ground and , I looked up at Ray and said"I-its about G-gerard". He sighed "go on Y/N" "Today i-s his anniversary for getting s-sober" He nodded and I continued telling him everything...... Like how I felt so stupid and Lucky2.0 was just on the floor watching us with those adorable eyes. I looked at Lucky2.0 and a smile smile spread across my face I could feel it.
"I'm sorry Y/N" Rays voice was so calming it snapped me out of my gaze at Lucky2.0 and I looked at Ray..."I just kinda feel really stupid right now" "Y/n" Ray sighed "you shouldn't feel stupid you just didn't know..." I put head down and Ray lifted up my chin and I just stared at him and our faces were just inching towards eachother-
AN: 445 WORDD YEAH UWU I know No one reads this but still uwu

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