Save me

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this chapter you get to choose who's gonna save you now matter who it is Ray,Frank.Gerard,Mikey A/n MCR UPLOADED LIKE OCTOBER15 AND I WANNA DIE BECAUSE I JUST GOT TO WATCH IT IRGHT NOW

We ran through the halls actually making me do something he's surprising so fucking amazing 

the teachers calling after us but we didn't care we just ran and ran ouyt of that hell hole and that cunt he punched deserved it henrick deserved that uppercut.

AFTER WE JUST GOT SO FUCKING TIRED we decided to walk to the park and he said "was that fun?" "fuck yeah it was!!" 

Then he turned to me and kissed me right there an then.

After that we heard sirens comming close to us and we just laughed because we just got caught and we ran and ran together 

were fucking sycopaths

whats funny is that we are until we got caught like really . we tried to hide in the bushes of the park but a police officer forcefully grabbed him and pinned him down to the floor and lifted up his head and said "got any last words to your girlfriend you fucking little shit." "i love you and i always will please forgive me" what was he in for? what the fuck have i gotten into? 

That was it he looked me straight in the eyes and he was shot right in the head i looked at him blood on his face, omg he just dead infront of me. 

Then i started to freak out and the cop just drove away abusing his authority

My Chemical Romance ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora