6:Yandere VAMPIRE chat noir/Adrien X Reader

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Hai minna! Sorry for not updating in so long...I had some stuff to sort out and things to do (Incase you were wondering, yes I have a life) I was scrolling through my stuff and found this request! I'm sorry ChatBlancxChatNoir for not updating straight away as I would've usually done! Anyways I do not own miraculous ladybug! the credits go to the amazing Thomas Astruct and Jeremy Zag!

Now let the chapter begin!

Y/N: your name

L/N: last name

E/C: eye colour


"Y/N...my love, come to your kitty" A taunting voice that I didn't recognise anymore echoed and called out to me.

I was running from...him

Even though I knew he had me trapped like a mouse in his claws, I still had to try to escape, my legs started to ache and my lungs burned like fire on an autumn night, wild.

"How much more death do you want to fall upon Paris?!"

I frantically looked around my surroundings, looking for a 'safe' place to hide for a few minutes till I would have to go on the run again.

But before I could do anything...I felt a hand

His hand

"Hello love"

I squirmed as he grabbed my thin bruised wrist and pulled me to him, trapping me in the arms that were no longer comforting, I closed my eyes to not face the monster in front of me. Feeling a huge gush of wind against my skin, I decided to open my eyes but soon wished I hadn't...

There, right in front of me stood an eerie pitch black room that stank of rot, a deathly hue was laced into the atmosphere making it almost intimidating to look in any direction in fear of what may lay there.


Squinting my eyes, my e/c (eye colour) orbs agusting to the room, I gasped at the site before me...as it was one I wish I could unsee.

A pile of dead bodies, lay on top of eachother, pale lifeless faces, bruised bodies, blood trickling down where they had been attacked, but no bite marks. Just deep wounds from scratch marks and bruises from tight grips.

"I haven't tasted their blood. Just simple rage. I'm going crazy! The smell of their sweet nectar that they call blood is EVERWHERE! I know you can smell it...even with you being human." Despair filled the air but he was right...
I could. I could smell the sweetness in the stench.

"They won't die...IF you come with me! ALL I want is you Y/N! I LOVE YOU! AND IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!" He shouted, insanity flowing out of his emerald eyes, I slowly looked at the bodies, women, children, father's, mother's, innocent people. I...I have to stop this! This isn't right!

"A-Adrien...please stop...I know you...you're better than this!" tears threatening to escape from my eyes. I knew Adrien was in there. In the body of the monster that stood before me. I knew the person that I loved was still there... somewhere...

"Y/N...I can't control this...you know very well why...it's October after all..."

October? October...Oc...tober. no...

~FLASHBACK~ (No pov)

"Soooooo...time for another question...How do vampires reproduce?" A 14 year old Y/N asked her blonde friend, for she had only just discovered that he was a creature of the night, a vampire.

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