8: Chat noir x reader: PUN WAR

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Lol this was requested by ChatBlancxChatNoir .


The night breeze rested in your (H/C) locks as you sat down in your balcony, enjoying the peace and quiet of the city at night.

Your eyes travelled around the lit up night landscape of your home, while you hummed the familiar tune of (F/S). Sure you expected a lot of things, surprise pop quizzes at school, sudden rain but one thing you had not expected was-


"AHHH!" You screamed, bolting up and hitting something hard. Your (E/C) orbs shut tight from fear and shock.

"Mew-ouch! You have some strength there but do you think you should be hitting your guardian angle?"

You slightly opened your eyes, peaking a bit from between your eyelashes only to see the one and only Chat noir, rubbing his head in pain.

"Well hello to you too, purrincess~"

"Shut your cat litter you stupid cat! You can't just go around scaring people like that! Specially at night!" You scolded, crossing your arms across your chest, slightly ticked off from the scare he had given you.

"Purrincess~ you should really calm down. My puns will make everything purrfect and pawsome~"

"Your puns are as bad as you are, alley cat. Your ego needs a check up so it doesn't burst." You snapped harshly, sitting back down while you glared at the dramatic superhero infront of you.

"Well if you think I'm so bad...why not try it yourself?" Chat noir slyly smirked.

"Are you offering me a challenge?" Your (E/C) glowed with mischief and anticipation.

"Maybe I am~ the one who runs out of cat puns the quickest loses. The winner can do whatever they want to the loser and even make them their slave. Deal?" The hero dared you as your mind decided whether to accept the challenge or pass.

"I accept"

"Then let the first cat pun war begin!"

Bold= you
Normal= chat noir

"Oh my, you think your so claw-ver, purr-haps I can put you out of your mew-sery!"

"I am absolutely paw-sitive that I will be the winner! Aren't I pawsome?"

"I'm paw-sitively sure that even ladybug doesn't like your un-fur-tunate attempts of paw-someness! I will sur-puss your a-paw-ling ways!"

"Are you feline good, princess? What an un-fur-tunate turn of events, you seem to be purr-etty better than this alley cat. But not purr-fect enough!"

"how paw-thetic can you get? There's a paw-sibilty I'm a purr-fessional..."

"Should I purr-suade you to give up before this turns into a cat fight?"

"I paw-fer to be the winner, but thank you for your generous o-fur!"

"Purrincess, I step down from the competition...you are the paw-sitively better pun master!"

Both you and the superhero burst into a fit of laughter, you cradling your stomach and Chat wiping tears from his eyes.
Eventually, you both calmed down and ended the night cuddling on the balcony, watching the night sky with its bright stars until you dozed off in the heroes arms, while he smiled at your peaceful form. Closing his eyes and joining you in the relaxation of sleep...

Word count: 540

● Voila! Hope you enjoyed that punny chapter! Don't forget to request for a chapter of your own!

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