10: Raining down (Adrienette)

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Picture above belong to edendaphne . I thought it would fit the chapter well.


What if Marinette had confessed during her time around Adrien?

What if she had the guts to actually ask him to study together?

But that was only leading to a long list of what ifs.

Months, years, maybe even more than two years had passed since Marinette had last spoken to her high-school crush and the person whom she still loved to this day. It left her crushed. No that wasn't the correct word, it left her broken.

During their time at Dupoint high, things had been misunderstood. A lot of things. Marinette's complete and utter awkwardness had left Adrien confused and lead him to the idealogy that Marinette simply hated him, therefore he decided to keep his distance. Yet at this time Marinette was unaware of the blondes misunderstanding and unknowingly led Adrien to believe he was correct.

Months past and Marinette got the sense that Adrien was avoiding her. She was confused at first but soon came under the same idealogy of Adrien. She assumed Adrien hated her. She didn't ask or anything, in her view at present time that was one of the biggest mistakes of her life. She just assumed.

The two went on to believe that the other hated them, with pure passion. Eventually even Adrien started to question why Marinette 'hated' him, he didn't remember doing anything wrong and he even had asked Alya if he had offended Marinette in anyway, to which he got the reply of no and a questioning look. It honestly made him frustrated to not know why someone apparently hated him, and after a while the frustration turned into avoiding her, then turned to the point of dislike and finally on the very last term of high school before everyone went their separate ways, he started to hate her.

During this whole time, the relationship between ladybug and Chat Noir however had definitely become closer, they were slowly falling for eachother without knowing and soon they both became the others best friend and safe haven. It was something they loved, and that was because they loved one another. Yet they hadn't realised it yet...

Then the time came, the most dreadful part to remember and most scarring memory during the past years. The day Chat Noir said he had to go, the day he gave up being a hero. The reason is unknown to the public and even Ladybug herself, as when she glanced on last time at Chat Noir's figured from the corner of her red, teary eyes that day. She saw that even he was broken by the fact he had to leave, she knew not to ask why he was leaving, almost as if she knew it would cause them both more pain and suffering.

A while after that high school ended, everyone went their separate ways...drifting apart.

Marinette was left alone, alone to wander the city of Paris by herself, alone in the house her parents lived in before they too had to leave her...they died in a car crash in one of the motorways. She was utterly and completely alone, it hurt her everyday to pass the places she had once shared joyfully sweet memories with on her way to the academy in the mornings and way back home.

Things had been quite a struggle but she has to fight through it, she still had one person left. Tikki, her small kwami friend had been there to support her and be a tiny shoulder to cry on when times were rough. It was thanks to Tikki that Marinette was still alive today, after her few attempts of suicide, she had given up from escaping this cruel world.

And now here she was walking down from the fashion and design academy towards the bakery and her home, in the rain and holding onto the same umbrella from years ago.

While she walked down the road that was shadowed with dark clouds and the splatting of rain, she noticed a tall and dare she say well built figure at the front doors of the bakery, lightly knocking on the window.

Out of curiosity, she walked quicker towards the figure and tapped his shoulder. Only for her breath to be caught in her throat...

After years of not hearing from him, he showed up now.

"Umm hello, sorry but do you know when this bakery opens up or how I can contact the owner?"

"The owner's me, what may I help you with?" Marinette looked down at her shoes and hoped her now long hair would somehow cover her face to some extent.

"M-Marinette?" Suddenly the males voice started cracking and soft sobs could be heard escaping his lips.

Marinette glanced up, slightly lifting the umbrella with her other hand, like she had done when they had first spoken. Bluebelle blue clashed with emerald green, two different colours but both had something similar, the hint of sadness and yet relief was laced in their eyes.

Without a warning, the male dropped to the floor, holding his face in his hands as he sobbed. Pleading for forgiveness and acceptance of his apologies as he cried.

This man has made her go through much more than the passing of her parents had...her parents left her good memories and nice feelings. While he, he left her with heartbreak and regret.
And yet, still her stupid heart clenched and hurt at the sight of the male crying, she knew she was still in love with him. Whether she liked it or not, she had fallen for this guy deeply and there was no way she could escape this blissfull feeling.

She kneed down to his level and wrapped her arms around him, the umbrella placing itself between them, as if an object was trying to tell them that this was their safe haven, somewhere they would be protected.

After the waterfall of tears stopped, the two went inside, still in eachothers arms and warmth. They didn't speak but just soaked up the amount of love the other was giving until they starting to drift of to sleep but before that they both murmured something they always wanted to say, something that they had been chocking on for a long time...

"I love you, Mari"

"Love you too..."


Felt like this would be a nice chapter and so I published it. Also thank you for the 11K I really appreciate it so much.

-Tokyo_Starlight 💫

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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