↠Majesty - 019

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(A/N) if you guys are wondering who made the incredible cover for this story, go follow cockie_corner ! They're really deserve all the love they can get!

"Why, this is a revolt!"

"No, sire," was the reply, "it is a revolution."

There was nothing Sage hated more than stressing over things that weren't a big deal to her, but is to her staff that helps takeover when she's gone. So here she is again. The Queen of England furiously writing with a feather quill on a piece of parchment paper. This is the 6th letter she has written to the Ministry of Magic in the past hour, talking to all of the departments about the Death Eater threat. 

"Herb, you need to relax for a minute. You've been working none stop. Breathe, please," James was annoyed by the fact that Sage still had so much work to finish, and she only was doing it to please people that she didn't need to please. "I just need to finish this last... sentence..." She was trailing off as she focused on finishing.

Smiling in relief, and leaned back into the seat. "Done," Sage rubbed her soar hand. Jasper, who was sitting next to her, read the letter in shock. "There was an attack in Dublin yesterday?" All eyes landed on the Queen after those few words left the Princes lips.

"...Yes, there was..." Sage' expression went gloomy. Peter looked scared. It was expected, the boys family lived in Dublin. "H-how many p-people died?" Peter stuttered his way through his sentence.

"Sir Moody? What brings you here at this time?"  Sage held her thin sweater close to her body as the chilly midnight air nipped at her skin

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"Sir Moody? What brings you here at this time?" Sage held her thin sweater close to her body as the chilly midnight air nipped at her skin. "I'm sorry to tell you this, your Majesty, but it isn't good news," Sage looked solemn. "Come, we can talk about this where it's warm." Sage turned and walked inside.

The castle was eerily silent, the only sound being Moody's shoes and cane clicking one the marble tile. Opening a large door, the room was dark, the only source of light was coming from the fireplace. Sitting down in a small chair, Sage motioned Moody to sit in the one next to hers.

Sage' face was pale in the light of the fire, grief was written all over it. "You Majesty, there was another Death Eater attack tonight... Multiple, actually." Moody watched as her face contorted, as if she was in physical pain. "How... how many people died?" Her words held heartbreak. "26, your Majesty. 10 were Muggle-Borns, 7 were Half-Bloods, and the rest were Muggles,"

Sage leaned back in her chair, tear filling her eyes and running down her cheeks. "Were there any attacks the you stopped?" Sage' voice sounded almost nonexistent. "We stopped three tonight, 14 came out unharmed, and 3 are suffering from minor injuries," Moody knew the young Queen was fragile at this point.

"I want every single witch and wizard with the Dark Mark brought into custody. I don't care wether they committed the crimes tonight or not. The ones found guilty for any of the deaths over the past months with charged with murder, and anyone with the Dark Mark will be charged with Treason against the Queen and Country. Now we must work together to stop them." Sage stood up and looked at Moody with an intense stare. "Tell the Minister I have made up my mind and that is final."

Moody stood up and nodded. "If this doesn't go over smoothly, Majesty, you will be starting a war with both Voldemort and the Ministry," the older man warned her. "Then both shall be prepared to lose." Moody smirked. "You have fire," He said. Sage shook her head and laughed lightly.

"No, Sir Moody, I am fire,"

"No, Sir Moody, I am fire,"

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"It's classified, Peter. I can't tell anybody." Peter looked annoyed with her response. "Sage, you can't keep things from us!" Peter raised his voice. "If it keeps you all safe I can do as I damn well please!" Sage raised her voice back at him. The others watched as Peter rolled his eyes at the Queen, causing her to get up and leave the train compartment.

James sighed and placed his hand on Peter's shoulder, "You know she doesn't like keeping things from us, Peter. Sage position puts her in a bad stop with what's happening out there." Remus quickly added to James statement, "And, with the order she put out for the Death Eaters already put her and her family at risk for an attack. They already want her dead for being a Muggle-Born,"

Elsewhere, Sage walked around the train, looking for the compartment Eden was in. She was hoping the young Princess was making friends. Turning her head to look inside, she saw Eden with four other people, three boys and another girl. They were talking and giggle. It made Sage happy to see the innocence that resided in the first years.

Opening the door, Sage says loudly, "Knock knock." The young children look at her in awe, and Eden looked pleased to see her big sister. "Well, what do we have here?" Sage grinned as her blonde-haired sibling reached out her hands so that Sage would sit next to her. "Everyone, this is my big sister, Sage," Jaws dropped when Eden revealed her sister.

"Hello, your Majesty," A young boy with raven hair and crystal blue eyes greeted the Queen with a charming smile. "Please, call me Sage," she told the boy. "And what is your name?" The boy answered her happily. "I'm Theo Carson," Sage couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of pity.

It was well-known that Lord Voldemort had led an almost normal life, with a good job, a great education, and a beautiful and intelligent wife. But, time changes. And after the once 'normal' mans son was born, he went power hungry.

Sage tried to cover the look she knew she held, and complemented him. "You have a very nice name, Mr. Carson," Theo must have not noticed her expression because he beamed and thanked her, "I was named after my Uncle, he was awesome,"

After the train had arrived, the Marauders found their way together again and sat at their usual spot and watched as the first years were sorted into their houses. "Eden, Victoria!" Professor McGonagall called out. Skipping up to the stool and having the Sorting Hat placed on her head, Eden was glowing.

Sage clapped loudly as her younger sisters house was called. "Hufflepuff!"

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