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"umm.. How do i get here? And why am i still on this clothes?" the last thing she remember is she's inside jungkook's car and he's driving.

"oh, right i fell asleep" Quennie said as the memory from last night flashes back.
"oh no! The porridge that I'm supposed to cook!!!" Hwari hurriedly put on her slippers as while she's braiding her hair into a ponytail.

Quennie POV *

I remember that I'm supposed to be cooking a hot porridge for jimin who is sick. How can i forget that!!!
I reach the kitchen i pull out the pot from the cabinet the place it at the sink. I looked for the rice that I'm going to use for the porridge.

"where is it?!!" i ask myself.

Im busy searching for the rice and other ingredients when a cold hand touches my shoulder.
I turn around.

"oh it's you! I thought you are sick!?! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting inside your room" I said while i place my hand on his forehead.

"*smirk* I'm fine" he grab my wrist then he remove my hand from his shoulder.

"but your porridge... I didn't cook your porridge..." i said with a guilty voice.

"it's fine, jungkook handle that" he plopped his body at the sofa.

"what do you mean?" i ask with a confusion.

"what i mean is that after you fell asleep last night inside his car. He's now the one who cook the porridge for me. But it's ok if you didn't cook it" he said then he slowly arranged his posture and he grab the remote.

I slowly approached him and i sit by his foot.

"I'm a little disappointed though." he said while pouting.

"why? You wanna taste my cook?" i ask him in a joke like way.

"*chuckle*yes, I'm gonna taste it if your cook is ready" he stands up then he lean closer to me.

"ready for what?" i ask while I'm trying to move farther.

"if you're ready to be my future wi..." his sentence cut when a loud bang came upstairs interrupted him. He stands up.

This guy really recovered fast.

"what is it?" i ask him whike he's still focus upstairs.

"i don't know." he answered while slowly walking upstairs.

I followed him,slowly i follow his steps.

"ahhhhhgrgg!" a loud shout follows by a loud laugh cut the silence and the intense feeling i side me.

"sheeesh,hoseok hyung you started me!!!" jimin said while his hands are placed at his chest and the other hand give hoseok a gentle slap on his shoulder.

"so... What's the thing the two of you talking about again? About that future thingy?!!" hoseok really likes to stalk us after what happened that day.

"oh, it's nothing." jimin answered

"yah!!! I know that's nothing... Come on tell me..." hoseok insist.

"urgh! Fine! I wanna taste her food so that i can telk if going to be my future... Future.. Future chef!! That's right future chef!! Because if the day i become very ill that i couldn't stand... She's the one whose going to cook a hot porridge for me!!" jimin excuses.

" oh... Well I'm going to pee." hoseok walk toward the bathroom.

" is that really the thing you're gonna tell me? "i ask.

" why? Are you expecting more? "he move his face close to mine
I can feel his warm breath hover at my nose.

" no I'm not!! "i denied as i push jimin away.


Nothing much happens today just stuff like me and the others playing, eating, watching horror movies. Yeah stuff like that!!

Tomorrow is gonna be my first day!!!! At my new school!!!!
And that school is where my brother go everyday!!! Didn't i mention to you guys that my brother and his friends are really popular on that school they're known as the BTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last year my brother got a call from random girls from his school that's why he's changing his phone number anytime. I can't wait to meet a new friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Those fan girls really likes my brother!!! The reason why they're so popular is because they're the most talented guys in their school

My brother can rap
Suga can also rap
Also HOSEOK can rap
JIMIN can do high pitch voice and his voice is like and angel's
V has the deep voice that when he sings it can soften your heart
Jin has the prettiest face and a very handsome voice!!
And last but not least Jungkook. My brother said that jungkook can do anything!!


I love BTS!!!!

THE CHOSEN ONE🖤💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon