Beach day

13 1 0

Jack(left) Rocky (right)

Staring at the young girl as she picks up her lunge line I sigh, "basic concept, go in a circle at the pace she tells you to go". Pinning my ears I watch her point to the right, rolling my eyes I start walking in the right direction. "Cassidy make sure to get him in line, he looks lazy". Hmph, Cassidy... looking outside the pen and through the bars I notice Lola getting lunged in a much bigger arena. Perking my ears I lift my head up high, "see, he will listen". Stopping I put my head up higher and look over the top bar of the round pen, "I don't think that was me, think he's got a crush on Lola".

Snorting I watch as Lola looks at me, twitching my ear happily I notice her look away as I get grabbed by the halter. "Want to meet her"? Looking at Cassidy I notice her smile, rolling my eyes I watch as she opens the gate. "Come on". Limping towards her trying to keep up I watch as Lola becomes curious, her head turning as we circle around the arenas walls to make it to the entrance. Pinning my ears I watch as Cassidy and the other young girl converse, standing with my head low and back leg rested I ignore Lola as she starts to sniff me. "What are these scars from"? Hearing her voice makes me perk my ears, looking at her I notice her looking at my hind leg. "Don't know".

Hearing her sigh I watch as she comes to my side, "I'm sorry if that was a personal question". Rolling my eyes I don't look at her, "whatever". Hearing an angry snort I look behind me to see jack, "what did I tell you about staying away from my mares"? His angry stance makes me sigh, "I'm not your mare jack, I'm my own mare". Pinning her ears i watch the sassy mare take charge of the situation, "you want to be with him? A ruthless, idiotic, barbaric stallion who knows nothing except on how to run in circles".

Snorting angrily I stand up taller, my head reaching its height. "Who was the one who left his fellow friend at a slaughter house to die, let alone you were the one who made me like this. So don't say that I'm the one who is barbaric and ruthless, look in the mirror jack. You'll find someone just like me". Whinnying loudly and angrily I watch as he takes a dominate stance, rolling my eyes I sigh. "I've had a few racing days myself, why don't we race when we go to the beach later? That'll prove to anyone who is the true stallion".

Laughing to myself I smirk, "sure jack, let us race". Blinking slowly I turn away, seeing Lola with an angry look as she looks at me I sigh. "What are you looking at"? Walking away and towards the edge of the fence I look out at the open plains, feeling someone nudge my rump I turn and see Lola. Pinning my ears I roll my eyes, "I may not know you well, but I know you aren't this tough stallion in your heart. Unlike jack you have sympathy... but yet you hide it away because you don't want to get hurt". Turning around fully I snort, "I have no sympathy for anyone".

Pinning her ears I notice her nudge my head to the right, "look, this isn't a race track where things are abusive and hurtful. We are a breeding farm, we don't have a choice in our stallions. You wouldn't understand because all you do is be a father but that involves nothing, being a mare here is far more torture. Just because they don't abuse you doesn't mean they are nice". Looking at the foals and mares in the pasture next to the arena, I watch the mares stand tiredly while the foals play oblivious.

Looking at Lola I watch her sigh, "I have to breed with jack in a day, Not my choice. But it's that or I get sent away". Pinning my ears I look behind me to see jack with other mares, not a care in the world. Breathing heavily I look towards the ground, "I'll see you later". My whisper coming out cracked I start to walk towards the exit, but she grabs my tail. "Please don't let him". Keeping my attention towards the exit I sigh, continuing my walk towards the exit I ignore the fact I left without Cassidy. Starting up a trot towards jack I shove his side once I reach him, "we're racing now". Snorting as a way to say no backing out I watch him smirk, "Come on mares, this will be fun to see". Looking at the mares they flick their names and tails, rolling my eyes I watch jack start a walk. Turning my head I notice Lola following by a mares side, snorting I walk behind jacks tail.

Reaching a beach I notice the smell, "just like when we were colts". Shoving my side I notice jacks large muscles, shaking my head i sigh. Looking at my side I see my ribs at the surface, looking beyond my side I notice Lola. Her eyes tracing my body she smiles, smiling back I turn my head and look at jack. "Just to that rock and back". Smirking I hear the countdown, "3,2,1". Stopping at 1 I hear the loud deafening go, bursting into a run I feel jack hit my shoulder. Losing balance slightly I reach the rock and run it like a barrel, bolting my way back I notice jack not next to me. Reaching the end I slide a stop and kick up sand, looking behind me I see jack finish. "Cheater you ran the rock like a barrel".

Laughing I watch all the mares stare at me, "you never said I couldn't". Standing up straight I start to walk away, "you will not leave without a fight". Stopping in my steps I turn around and notice Jacks stance, proud and tall but yet his mane and forelock lay messy on his neck. Pinning my ears I roll my eyes, "watch me". Turning back around I start to walk again but jack jumps in front of me with a snort, perking my ears I look at him annoyed. "Fight, or do what you always do. Run". Shaking my head I snort and pin my ears, head budding him I watch our heads get low to the ground.

Pushing as hard as I can I twist my head, letting go of the pressure I grab at his neck and make a slight wound. Backing up as he lifts his head and rears, I rear up also and kick out my legs in high hopes of hitting something. Clashing together we take turns biting at each others faces, water hitting my legs I back up some more. Landing on all fours I watch him take a breathe and start to circle me, taking a chance I grab his tail and watch him buck. Smirking I feel him hit my shoulder but I quickly catch balance and let go of his tail. Watching turn around I take a large step back and jump forward, hitting his head with mine I see him fall on his back.

Breathing heavily I pin my ears, staring at him with daring eyes I watch him take a standing position again. "I'm not willing to lose my position just so you can prove that you are stronger". Going back into a rested position I start to walk away, "keep the mares, I'll leave you to it". Flicking my tail I walk past some of the mares without a look, but I stop and lift a hoof up a little. Looking to my left I see Lola, her eyes still on jack I pin my ears. Suddenly her attention adverts to me as I snort, her angry expression makes me realize what this fight was really about.

"You just want the right to have these mares so they have your foals, not anything else". Turning around I stare at jack who has already take his position besides one of his mares, "duh, isn't that the point of mares"? Sighing I turn away and once and for all walk away.

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