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Hearing the trailer stop it's rattling I look outside and start to hear music, loud guitars with trumpets. Seeing colors fly around the stalls I spook as I hear the trailers door open, looking to my left I coward away from the light. "Bienvenido a casa".(welcome home) seeing the man in his large hat come towards me I feel the gate leave my side, feeling some relief I watch him untie me I start to get...excited?

Trotting out of the trailer I feel myself prance slightly around the man, my eyes going to all the new colors. "él tiene mucho espíritu".(he has a lot of spirit) throwing my head up as the mare and Lola leave the trailer I stop my trotting and go to Lola. Seeing a small teenage looking girl run up to Lola I step back and stare at the small teen, "this is your new caballo". (Horse) Lola putting her head down slightly, I smile. The teen messing with her forelock she looks at me excitedly, "and this is papas horse". Running over to me I perk my ears and look at Lola, "be nice". Looking back down I put my head to my chest as the girl grabs onto my head, hugging it tightly I close my eyes and sigh.

Watching her let go finally she grabs Lola's mane and jumps up, seeing her adjust on her back I laugh. "She needs a new name, so does he". The girl looking at me and then at Lola, she smiles and then starts to frown. "Hector and Isidora". Pinning my ears I snort, what kind of name of hector? Looking at the man he nods, "hector it is". And he allows it...

Following the man as he tugs on my lead rope softly I look around with full attention, "Carlos amigo". Seeing a man hug I'm supposing Carlos who leads me I perk my ears, "caballo nuevo?"(New horse?) turning my attention away from the conversation I look to my right and notice dogs running full speed around the property. "ir a explorar." (Go explore) looking at Carlos he unhooks my lead rope and shoos me with a smile, walking to my right I look around happily. Pieces of colorful paper with unique cuts hung on string around the whole property I look back to in front of me.

Seeing a young boy in a group with other boys I notice his sad face, perking my ears I watch the group of boys punch him on the arms and stomach before running off. Sitting on the ground sadly I look around and watch no one take charge of the situation, walking towards the small boy I watch him look up at me. Frowning to himself he turns away from me, sighing I look behind me and notice isidora looking at me. Rolling my eyes I see her laugh, laughing along with her I turn back to the boy who is now looking down at the ground.

Whinnying softly I put my head down and nuzzle the boys back, seeing him turn around I notice a smile appear on his face. Smiling to myself I feel him hug my head, lifting my head I swing it towards my back and watch him jump onto my back. His tear stained face smiling widely I look over his leg on my side and see Carlos with some people who stare at me. Looking back to the boy I feel him tug my mane to the left, turning left I start to walk around the stable grounds with the boy smiling happily.

Going up to isidora I watch the little girl on her back look at the little boy on mine, perking my ears I stop at isidoras side. "I think they're the same age". Turning my head I look and notice the two talking, "I think so too". Smiling at her I nuzzle her nose softly, suddenly I feel a nudge on shoulder. Turning my head to the right I see the mare I met in the pasture, "you enjoying your new home". Sighing I look around to come up with an answer, "it's far different from a race track and breeding ranch". Laughing softly she nudges my neck, "you'll get used to it amigo, and you too isidora. My name is mia by the way".

Smiling I nudge her neck as she walks away and feel the boy squeeze my sides. Starting up a walk I turn to look at isidora and see her walk forward also. Hearing laughter come from the opposite side of isidora I turn to my head to the right and see the same group of boys who made fun of... this one...

"Hey Leonardo, nice horse.. you gonna ride off into the sunset with it-" interrupting the insults I turn to the group of boys and snort, getting close to the boys face I stare into his hectic eyes. "Get your horses face away from me". Snorting louder I rear up and kick out my legs, whinnying loudly I get back on all my hooves and head bud his stomach. Seeing him fall to the ground I flick my tail and stick my head in the air, "Leo". Hearing the angry voice I look over and see a woman, "what are you doing to that poor muchacho?" (Boy) backing up from the group I look at Leo, "mama I swear it was hector defending me". Looking back at the woman she looks at the group of boys, suddenly she grabs her shoe and chucks it towards the group. "Mess with my son again and it won't be just a shoe thrown".

Perking my ears I watch as the woman looks happily at Leo like nothing happened and walk closer, "what did you say this beauty's name was". Feeling her fingers trace my shoulder I start to sniff her hand, "they found him at a breeding farm". Nipping at her fingers I watch them suddenly take my lip, "silly boy, he looks awfully familiar". Oh no... she recognizes me from racing.. looking away sadly I sigh.

"Rocky road". Wincing at the sound of the name I shake my mane, hearing her walk towards my right side I turn my head slightly and see her trace my scars. Looking back towards me I watch her walk towards the front of me slowly, her hand always in contact with my body. Making its way to my cheek I see her step in front of me, "mi probre chico, no te lastimaras aqui."(my poor boy, you won't get hurt here) closing my eyes I feel her forehead lean on mine.

Standing there for a good 2 minutes without movement she finally speaks up, "bring him to our barn". Perking my ears I feel her let go of my head and start to walk, "with isidora?" The woman turning around and looking at me I lift my head high, "yes." Looking at isidora she smiles and walks towards me, nuzzling her softly I start to walk behind the woman.

"Actually, before we go to the barn how about we give hector a lesson. Since you have a lesson Leo in 5 minutes". Looking to my right I notice a instructor in the middle of the riding arena, "sure, I wasn't going to be able to ride Mia anyways she is lame at the moment". Watching the instructor look at me I notice her smile, so warm and inviting. Looking back to the woman I feel Leo jump off of me and watch him go towards the tack sitting on the arenas fence.

Entering the arena I feel the sand softly make my hooves sink into the ground, pinning my ears I notice the instructor run up to us. "Hey hey, you know how I feel about new horses. Let me test him out, outside of the arena". Hearing Leo sigh loudly I chuckle and watch the girl grab the reins, "Lisa this is hector, he used to be abused for racing rights so be a little more gentle and be aware of him taking off". Seeing Lisa nod I smirk and look forward, feeling her weight on my back I feel her pull left and squeeze.

Leaving the arena I feel squeeze again, starting up a long trot I notice the exit of the whole facility that leads into the trees. Snorting I turn right and onto a trail, feeling her loosen up the reins I happily start to canter. The beach smell I know well coming into my nose I perk my ears, squeezing me tightly she leans forward as I start to gallop. My legs reaching as far as they can I lift my head high and pant, turning left I notice my surroundings open up into a beach scenery. Smirking I go towards the water and feel the sand get harder as water splashes onto my shoulder, galloping full speed down the beach I haven't felt this in awhile... free...

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