No one fights fair

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Walking slowly as the water hits my legs I pin my ears and look at Leo who washes the sand off my legs, "Lisa you could've at least kept him clean". Seeing Leo glare at Lisa I snort and 'accidentally' step on his boot, pretending to not notice I feel him slip his foot away. Looking at Lisa I watch her laugh slightly as she gets a big slap to her arm, "you just want him to impress that girl, you don't deserve him". Crossing her arms I watch Lisa stare at me, "and so what? He's a horse, not a big deal what I do with him". Snorting loudly I grab the hose aggressively from his hands and throw my head up, seeing his shirt get wet he steps away quickly from the water.

"This horse is brilliant". Hearing a different voice I look and see Carlos, quickly dropping the hose I start to do some kind of prance as he walks closer. But something catches my eye behind him as he starts to speak and pat my neck, seeing isidora I perk my ears and whinny softly. Seeing her turn her head she perks her ears and quickly trots over, reaching over the mans shoulder I nuzzle her softly. "Like it here?" My question an obvious answer as she rolls her eyes, "yes, way better than a breeding farm hector".

Suddenly feeling my halter slide off I turn my head and see Carlos, "have fun hector, bring her back before sunset." Hoping he's not serious I start to walk towards the open gate to leave the facility, flicking my tail as isidora reaches my side I look at her. "Haven't been to the beach since jack raced you". Laughing slightly I look down and feel my hooves dig into the soft dirt, "may I ask a personal question?" Looking at isidora I smile, "of course". Looking back towards where I'm heading I start to smell the beach, "why did you run away from your herd?" Sighing I chuckle and start to see the waves hitting the shore, "jack, I ran away because my father was talking to Jacks mother about how he could've killed jack when he toke over the herd. I thought I'd grasp their attention when it happened, just turned into a bloody mess". Breathing out slowly I start to smile, "but that doesn't matter." Carrying on with our walk we talk about our pasts and of course the future... and no I didn't bring her back before sunset.

Walking around slowly I start to notice the trees becoming red and the air becoming crisper in the morning. Seeing isidora I watch as the men surround her, all questioning looks on their faces. "What can I say, maybe we don't exercise her enough". Looking at her stomach I notice the bulging of her ribs, smiling I shake my body free of dirt and peek my head over the fence. "Maybe her diet-" whinnying softly I interrupt the man and watch all of them turn to me, "bring the stallion in". Seeing the gate open I start to trot and enter the pasture they are in, slowing down when I reach isidora I nuzzle her stomach with my nose softly.

Lifting my head I look at the men and see them look at each other, "Carlos I think we have a pregnant mare". Perking my ears I look at isidora and nuzzle her side again, but something stops me as I hear a truck and trailer pull in. Turning my head to look behind me I keep my body still as they park, snorting softly I feel my eyes becoming wide as they open the back door. Seeing the man I dreaded to ever see again come around the trailer I watch him immediately find me with his devil eyes.

Breathing heavily I feel my heart sink as I look to isidora, "who is he"? Watching Carlos walk out of the pasture with a smile he introduces himself, going wide eyed as the man shows Carlos papers I notice Carlos's smile drop. Looking up I notice Carlos look at me, pinning my ears I whinny hoarsely. "Hector"? Feeling myself become outraged I breathe slower breaths, "get hector in this mans trailer". Snorting I stomp my hoof to the ground and lift my head high, "no no, I'll get him into the trailer my own way." Wincing at the mans words I start to trot around the small pasture, "he never makes things easy for me or my men". Starting to buck I feel ropes hit my legs but miss, throwing my head up I crash into the fence and bite at one of the men.

Feeling the rope suddenly get into my mouth I try spitting it out but it wraps quickly and makes an awful cut on my tongue. Feeling my legs suddenly become a tug of war game between me and the men holding the ropes I whinny loudly and see the gate start to open. "Let him go". Hearing a familiar voice I see Lisa running towards me, her legs desperately trying to move faster as i drag my hooves into the ground. "Hector". Seeing the trailers entrance I look at the dreaded man next to the open door, looking to my left and towards the pasture I was in I see isidora and Lisa.

The two stallionsWhere stories live. Discover now