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Rocky and Lola

Standing in my stall I breathe softly, hearing the sweeping sound coming from the barn aisle I sigh. Suddenly hearing hooves I perk my ears and advert my attention to the aisle, seeing Lola I smile. Her nervous look making me realize it's 'her day' I pin my ears, whinnying loudly I see her look at me. Shoving my head against the bars I watch her stare, "Rocky". Her desperate whisper makes me perk my ears, she really doesn't want this. The young man dragging her to the outside of the barn I go to my small stall pasture, pressing my body against the bars I see jack standing in his pasture getting his halter on.

Noticing the mare next to my stall coming out also she looks at me, her attention going where Lola is she looks back to me. "Save her". Looking at the bars I sigh, "I can't jump"- "if you care for her you can". Looking back up to the mare she nods before going back into her stall, pinning my ears I notice jack leaving the pasture. Shaking my head out of it I back up into my stall, snorting I start a small canter before coming close to the fence and jumping. Landing on my hooves but my knees buckling making me kneel, I quickly get up and run towards the group.

Whinnying loudly I rear up towards jack and kick his face, maybe on accident...

Looking at the Lola I see her look at me, "you imbecile". Looking at jack I watch him stand up tall, his face dripping blood I gasp and back up, "you said I still had my mares, Lola is one of them". Pinning my ears I look around, "none of these mares want to be here jack". Laughing he shakes his head, "have it your way rocky, just know who ran away in the first place". Turning away I watch him walk away slowly, perking my ears I sigh and walk away also. "Thank you rocky". Turning my head I smile as Lola gets untied from the fence, "have it your way stallion".

Snorting at the man I watch him walk away with an angry, disturbed look, Lola not far behind. Pinning my ears I walk away also, hearing a familiar sound I look towards the entrance of the facility and notice the trailer. Perking my ears I watch closely as they back in towards the stall next to mine, rolling my eyes I shake my head and start walking towards my stall. Cassidy jumping out of the truck she smiles at me and opens my stall, snorting as I walk into my stall I feel her hand touch my shoulder. Pinning my ears I keep my walk and go into my stall from the small walk out, drinking some water I hear a loud whinny but ignore it.

"Good girl". Hearing Cassidy I lift my head from my water bucket and listen as the trailers walls rattle. "There's a really nice stallion named Jack next to you, along with another stallion named rocky. He's a little stubborn but you'll be good friends". Oh thanks for boosting my reputation Cassidy, just what I needed. Hearing the stalls gate close I hear Jacks voice, cutting out the conversation from my head I stick my head outside my stall. Seeing Lola a couple stalls away on the other side I whinny happily, looking at me she flicks her ear and peeks her head out.


Having not seen the mare next to me yet I find myself curious on who this mare is, but ignore it. "Come on boy, time for you to go out in the pasture". Seeing Cassidy outside I roll my eyes, why not get me from inside the barn.. not from my walk out where the mare is... grabbing courage by the throat I finally walk out and wince away from the suns bright rays, not looking over to my left but to my right I notice the mare that told me to defend Lola. "Rocky". Perking my ears I look to my left, seeing the face I despise and hoped to never see again I pin my ears and snort. "Mother".

Staring at her with a glare I shake in anger, "how dare you even think of speaking my name". My loud yell echoing I rear up and wrap my legs around the top bar of what separates our walk outs, "you left me for dead, barely had the courage to look back". Hearing loud yelling from the stable men I hear ropes swing in the air, feeling a rope hit my eye I kick off from the bar and look at the man angrily. Throwing myself at the fence I feel a rope grab me by the neck, rearing up I notice ropes on my legs. How the hell...

The gate opening I throw my head up and thrash around, not landing correctly I feel my side hit the ground. Rocks digging into my skin I snort loudly and breathe heavily, my eyes drifting from the man holding a tight rope on my leg I look over at my mother who watches in horror. Laying my head down slowly I look away and close my eyes, my breathing becoming worst. "Must've been in his stall for too long". Standing up slowly I glare at everyone, feeling the ropes tug I start to follow.

Standing in the pasture angrily I look at my mother from a distance, hearing hooves come up from behind me I pin my ears. "You look like a nice stallion". Hearing a mare I perk my ears and turn my head, seeing a beautiful bay mare I snort. Suddenly stepping in front of me she makes slow movements towards my face, stepping back I watch a grin appear on her face. Looking behind her I notice a large group of people with large hats, looking back towards her I snort. "I bet you dance well". Kicking her leg out I feel her hoof hit mine, lifting my leg high I start to realize what she's doing as she starts doing that with both my legs. Stopping every movement I stare at her, "I don't dance".

Laughing to herself i look behind the mare again, seeing Lola following behind a man in one of those large hats I whinny. Shoving past the mare I run to the fence, "Lola". Turning her head I watch her panic, "rocky". Looking to my left I notice the large crowd walking away, they want a dancing horse? Looking at Lola she still stares at me panicked, whinnying loudly I watch the group turn. Breathing heavily I watch them take turns looking at each other, finally they turn and start walking back towards me.

Looking at Lola as they take their time I watch her whisper, "be nice, just this once". Feeling a hand touch my face I spook slightly but look towards a man, "he'd be perfect, just needs to learn to dance". Breathing slowly I watch the mans hand take control my head, turning my head to the right I snort. "Let me show you to my esposa(wife)".

Walking out behind the man I lift my tail high and flick it, looking at a group of women standing at the barns entrance I lift my head up high. Seeing their colorful dresses flicker as they lift them, restricting dirt to ruin them. "Mi hermosa esposa, ¿Funcionaría este semental para nuestros desfiles?"(my beautiful wife, would this stallion work for our parades?)

Noticing a woman in a green dress step out of the group she gives me judgmental eyes, pinning my ears I stand tall as she walks around me. Suddenly her stepping stops, "cicatrices".(scars) her hand touching my hind end I pretend to have not been spooked... only for Lola.

"un fondo, perfecto para nosotros". (A background, perfect for us) seeing her smile I watch her walk away and back into the group, "we will take this one". Pinning my ears I watch Cassidy walk over, "you sure, he is one of our worst stallion". Perking my ears I snort in her face, watching her back up I hear a laughter. Looking at the man next to me I notice his smile, "he has sass, just what we need". Handing her a rolled up pile of cash I smirk, twitching my ear happily I walk past her as she stands shocked.

Noticing the mare who was in my pasture already in the trailer I roll my eyes and go in behind the man, "what are the names of the horses again"? The man turning his head as he ties me to the trailers bar I look at the man who stands at the edge of the trailer, "stallion is rocky, mare is Lola". Scuffing the man turns to me and pushes the trailers stall gate against my side, "those names are ridiculous, we will change them when we get home".

Looking out my window I notice my mother and jack, "now who's the one leaving". Staring at me blankly I watch jack turn away with a sigh, my mother doing the opposite as she leans against the fence. Snorting I put my head down from the window, "mi amiga, es tu madre". (My Friend, That's your mother) rolling my eyes I nip at her ear and she sighs,"wait you understood me"? Sighing I look away, "I wasn't born yesterday". Hearing Lola shift in her stall I lift my head to look at her, "I wasn't either and I didn't understand her". Laughing together I look outside my window and notice the yellow plains, this is how I start over I guess...

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