Chapter 4

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“How’s Michael?” Arna asked as she scooted into the seat beside me in the English class we were both in. We all had our own designated seats, and I was sitting in the seat I was supposed to sit on. It was directly on the middle left side, right beside the curtains. I had the best spot in my opinion. The sun didn’t shine in on me, I could text without the teacher knowing and I had a good view of the board so that when she wrote on the whiteboard, I could see without her having to move. The seat beside me was well and truly not Arna’s; she sat at the very front. Yet, she didn’t care and decided to sit with me.

I shrugged. From the very start, I had never really paid attention to my boyfriend, so how was I supposed to know?

“He’s alright, y’know. Just ditching school for video games, the usual” I spoke, knowing all too well that he was doing just that. I may be the girlfriend who didn’t give a damn about her boyfriend, but over time I had managed to pick up his habits and way of life.

“And you’re expected to go to school while he’s having fun?” She raised an eyebrow and I could hear the ‘judging you’ radar go off.

“His choice” I said simply and grabbed my books from my bag then set them on my desk. My fingers tapped about them, making sure they were perfectly straight and even with the other. Call me a perfectionist, but I needed a distraction as I really didn’t want to talk about Michael.

Our English teacher strode into the room at that exact moment, all long black pants and some floral shirt completed with a pair of glasses propped on her nose. Her flats tapped loudly on the floor as she approached her wooden desk that sat on the side of the class. No one even bothered to look up. She was one of those teachers that was easy to go haywire with.

“What about that senior?” Arna questioned. Oh sweet Jesus, not him again.

I opted for an innocent act. Maybe if I pretended I didn’t know who this senior was she would let it go.

“What senior?” I found myself hitting the top of the wooden desk I was at.

“The golden curly haired one that was staring at you” She stared at me with a serious look in her eyes. She saw right through me. Damn.

“Oh him” I searched frantically through my mind for an excuse. Anything would be great. Why didn’t I think of a good comeback earlier on? “I think he has a girlfriend”

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