Chapter 13

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"Hottie isn't looking at you like he usually does" Arna said as her fingers skilfully tugged on the elastic band that was wrapped around her hair to form a perfect high pony tail.

"Of course he isn't" Was all I could say. I stared down at the grass that we were planted on and readjusted my skirt. "We slept together"

Jenna wasn't with us today, and I was extremely grateful. She wasn't up to date with the Ashton situation, let alone the fact that I wasn't all that close to her. I didn't exactly keen on giving her all the goss with my boyfriend and the one I had been seeing.

"You slept together" Arna repeated, tasting the words on her tongue.

"We did" I confirmed.

"And you didn't break up with Michael?"


"Oh my - "


Arna was speechless as she accepted what had happened. I figured that she had never expected such thing to happen, only expected us to talk for a bit then part ways. Never expected us to actually go out and date and hook up behind Michaels back.

"It was just a fling" I continued. "Nothing serious which he knew. I warned him at the start and he still went along with everything that we did"

"Did you even like him?" She searched my eyes with her own wide ones. She was alert, more shocked if anything. I guessed I should've known that she would react like this to such information.

I hesitated. Did I like him? Just a little...Okay, maybe a lot. He had made me laugh, he was keen to actually go somewhere than just sit on a play station or Xbox all day, and he was concerned for my happiness. Ashton was everything that Michael wasn't. Ashton was everything that I craved for in a guy. Michael just was not the guy for me despite his laid back personality that was the complete opposite to Ashton's out there one.

Once shrugging, I said, "I did and I still do"

My best friend let out a loud sigh in frustration which was probably directed at me. "Personally I would break up with Michael and keep it going with hottie"

"It's not that easy" I looked over to where Ashton and his own group of friends were sitting. He was looking back at to where Arna and I were planted on the ground. When he noticed that I was doing the same and our eyes met, he put his attention on one of his mates. My heart dropped a little in my chest when I saw that he didn't even acknowledge me.

It didn't help that we hadn't talked since we hooked up.

"Hate to tell you this, but Michael isn't that into you. If you say that it's not working out between you he's not exactly going to deny it. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy. Just the feelings not there in the relationship" Arna's gaze was hot on me and I knew she was right.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed loudly. "There's a problem I didn't tell you. After we hooked up he got pissed that I wouldn't break up with Michael and left without another word. It's over"

It stung to hear the words aloud, to have the truth actually sink in. There was no us. No more Ashton and I.

"He didn't say it was over. Go now and see what he says" Arna encouraged.

And then I was standing up, hoisting my school bag over my back and walking towards the golden boy who had my head spinning and crashing thousands of times over and over and over again. My teeth were threatening to sink into my bottom lip and I swore my fingers were shaking. My eyes were locked to his. I could see the hurt in them. Guilt splashing all over me.

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