Chapter 7

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Ashton and I fished out our share of coins that we had on us and ended up buying hot chips with our bags of lollies and drinks. Of course, we then had to walk to the park with the hot package that burnt our fingers so we took turns on holding it. When we arrived there we climbed up on the kids blue, red and yellow wooden playground to eat seeing as the place was literally abandoned. Unless of course you counted the mothers pushing prams around, the joggers and old men with their dogs.

I unwrapped the newspaper and spread it out before the two of us before grabbing a hot chip for myself. The salty flavour it contained invaded my mouth and I knew quickly that they had far too much salt on them. If only we had remembered to buy tomato sauce.

"Here we are on a date" The curly haired boy sitting opposite me stated. "And I know nothing about you"

"Don't you dare to try and suggest twenty one questions" I winced at the thought of it. It was literally what everyone did to get to know the other and I hated it. Why would you bother playing a game where the person tells you about themselves when you could just sit back and observe?

"I was actually going to ask you about the type of music you listen to"

I raised my eyebrow at him. Of all things he chose that question? I didn't think there was anything interesting about learning what type of music I listened to. Unless of course he didn't know where else to start and picked the first thing that came to his weird mind when getting to know a girl he had just met.

"Well if you must know, I enjoy Coldplay and The Script" I smiled at him while he frowned. My smile began to falter. Didn't he like my choice of music? If he didn't he could kiss my ass goodbye. "What's wrong?"

He brought a hand up to his chin and began to rub it slowly. He reminded me of a business man making his mind up about agreeing to a deal that some wannabe wanting him to sign. I was probably over thinking things. For all I knew he could just be thinking about what he was going to say.

"You just seem like the kind of girl that would listen to Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber" He admitted softly.

"I prefer bands to solo artists"

"Have you ever listened to Green Day?" His eyes had lit up at the subject of bands and I knew right then and there that it was a great topic to get him talking. Plus, it would take away the awkwardness that we were currently experiencing. There was nothing worse than being on a date and having nothing to talk about. And here we were on a date in which we had nothing to discuss but now we did and that was great in my opinion.

"A few songs" I answered, recalling my fathers old CD collection. There were a few Green Day disks in there that he sometimes put in the car for us to listen to instead of the good old radio. "The main one I can recall is Wake me up when September ends"

Ashton nodded. "I'm going to have to get you to listen to all of their songs when you come to my place"

I had to hold myself back from choking on the chip I had just swallowed. We were on our first date and he's already talking about taking me back to his house. That elevated quickly.

"One day" I agreed outloud but not in my heart. The guy was cute and all but I wasn't really feeling him. He wasn't my type, but then thinking about it I didn't actually have a type. I just went for any guy i was somewhat attracted to.

The senior grabbed a chip from the pile in front of us and began to bring it to my lips. I raised my eyebrows but he didn't seem to react. "Open up so the airplane can land safely, Odette! We don't want the passengers to die in a crash landing"

Rolling my eyes, I opened my mouth and allowed him to put the hot salty chip in my mouth. He smiled as he did so, more than happy to be hand feeding me like a baby. God this was so romantic I wanted to puke. Were we seriously doing this? It reminded me of the scene in the book Lady and The Tramp when they shared a platter of spaghetti and ended up kissing. Although I doubted Ashton and I were going to kiss over fried potato sticks.

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