Chapter 8

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"I have no idea when I'll be seeing him again" I told Arna as I rested the family phone between my ear and shoulder whilst scribbling down words to my essay that was due in tomorrow morning that I had completely forgotten to do.

"Ask him out" She suggested in what I was guessing in an excited tone.

"No" I pressed firmly. "It's his decision to continue whatever we've got, not mine"

"But he went in for the kiss!" She stated to me as if I was stupid.

That was true. He had leaned in for the kiss and ended up hitting my nose instead of my lips. It felt so awkward, knowing that he had wanted to kiss me but got my nose. I felt bad, so I decided upon pecking his cheek to make him feel better. I hoped I had made him feel better, but that was another story for another time.

"Michael's parents invited me around to their place for dinner tonight" I changed the subject, sighing into the phone as I did so.

I heard her laugh on the other end. "Are you going?"

"You know me. I can't say no to them. They're lovely people and it makes me sad knowing that they always love having me around despite I'm toying with their son" I wanted to sigh again.

"His mum makes a really good brownie" Was all that Arna could say. Typical.

I rolled my eyes. "That's like the only good thing about being with him. Have I ever mentioned that all I ever do with Michael is sleep and eat and -"

"Hook up. I know. You tell me that all the time like it's a bad thing. He can't be that bad though"

I dropped my pen on my pad paper covered in writing. I was about halfway through roughly. I figured I could finish it by the end of the night despite going to Michaels parents.

"You can have the guy if you want!" I told her happily, a small smile spreading across my face. Arna and Michael would be great together.

But then the thought of them getting it on crossed my mind and I was immediately grossed out. That would be like her kissing me as she'd be kissing the lips that I'd kissed. I didn't want to think any further than that.

That idea was a no no.

"He's not my type" She brushed the idea off like one would brush dust particles off a desk.

"You'll never actually know until you try him out" I couldn't believe I was suggesting this to one of my best friend. "I'll have you know he's great with the washing machine syndrome"

That information was incorrect. He was fine to kiss, not too sloppy. I just felt the need to say he was horrible so she wouldn't get any ideas.

"Just get with Ashton already" Was all she could say in response.

"You say that all the time" I groaned to her through the phone line. I held my pen in hand and began to click it constantly against the pad paper on front of me.

"Dump Michaels sorry ass and bring good old Ashton into your love life and pray he's your soul mate" Arna advised and I face palmed. Was she even listening to what she was saying?

"But his mothers brownie though" I was drooling at the thought of the richness of the slice that she baked.

"Ashton is the one" The other girl repeated.

She obviously wasn't listening to what she was saying. Sigh.

"Just stop" I pressed firmly. "If Ash and I are meant to be then fate will let it happen, not you"

"You called him Ash. How cute!" She giggled.

"No" I told her again and hung up on her in hope that she would reflect on her pushiness.

"Odette, it's lovely to see you" Michaels mum, Karen, stood to the side of the glass front door to allow me to enter her house.

"The feeling is mutual" I responded, my lips curving upwards.

I stepped into the cream wall papered house and admired the familiar family pictures. There were very little of Michael, and knowing that I should keep a good impression on his mother I picked the first one I laid my eyes on to comment on.

"This one is always a favourite" I pointed at one of my boyfriend in his younger age cuddling a Winnie the Poo stuffed teddy bear. If I were to be honest, fetus Michael was pretty adorable.

Karen nodded in agreement as she shut the door behind me. "His uncle got him that bear. He refused to let it leave his hands for weeks"

"Speaking of the devil" I spoke. "Where is he?"

"In his room. I'll call you two down when dinner is ready" She smiled. "Oh that reminds me! I need to get the veggies on"

I chuckled before finding my way down the hallway to the room also known as Michaels cave. I knocked on the door before entering without response. I knew he wouldn't care, or even hear my knocking.

The curtains were drawn per usual and the only light was from his computer screen that sat on his lap. My boyfriend didn't even look up to acknowledge my presence, but by now I was no longer offended and had gotten used to it.

"Honey, I'm home" I joked lamely as I shut his bedroom door and approached his bed that wasn't even made. Typical teenage boy.

He lifted his head. Looked at me with his green eyes.

"Sweet" He mumbled, his gaze turning back to the the screen.

"Whatcha doing?" I hopped up on the other side of the bed and puffed some pillows up for me to lean on. Then, I proceeded to shuffle closer to the other occupant of the room.

I propped my head on his broad shoulder and peered out of my eyes at his laptop in front of us. Some game involving people sitting on horses with swords and throwing rocks. Absolutely boring. I had better things to watch such as Project Runway instead of him playing.

"Just some games" He put his head on top of mine, the first sign of affection he'd shown me so far.

It wasn't much, but it gave me a sign of concern. Was he actually into me, or was he just doing it because we are a couple and should be doing couple things? I was seriously praying to whatever lord is up there that it wasn't the first option after going behind his back.

"That's nice" I replied softly, viewing the game with him.

"Not as nice as you" The boy with jet black hair and red highlights paused his computer game with the tips of his fingers, took his head off mine and tipped my chin up to look at him.

I studied his green eyes, noticing how they had creases underneath them and as his lips were curved upwards his nose scrunched up. His smile was one of the only reasons that I had allowed myself to get into a relationship with him. When he asked me to be his official girlfriend, he'd used that cheesy grin and I had found it difficult to say no to him.

"How original" I shook my head, hoping that my long hair wouldn't get in his face. As if to clarify, I felt his fingers brush against the long black strands and push them to the other side of my face.

"I think my mum's making her brownie since you like it so much. I tried telling her that it was your geeky friend that liked it more but she didn't believe me" He told me. "I know you prefer her cheesecake"

"Your mum is just a great cook all round" I patted his cheek lightly.

"I know she is" He leaned down. He was going to kiss my lips. The familiar explosion of guilt left a pang in my lower stomach as he hit the bullseye.

God, did I need to break up with him.

I would give you my usual sob story but I don't have one because there's no actual excuse for short chapters but hey I've updated are you proud of me

The truth is that I've been really busy obsessing over some muscular guy I know

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