Chapter 6

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From: Unknown Number

Do you have any plans this afternoon? - A

My fingers hesitated over the keyboard of my phone, thinking over my next words. I didn't have plans. I didn't know how he got my number. I did want to know how he got it though. But that was something I would have to find out later. He was awaiting my answer.

To: Unknown Number

No plans. Meet me out in the teachers carpark maybe? - O

And here I was making the first move. Shouldn't it normally be the boy suggesting where to meet? 

This whole dating thing was weird. I never had to be bothered with setting up dates and meet ups with Michael due to him being so lazy and not wanting to leave the house, let alone the fact he was addicted to pointless video games.

I looked up from my phone and listened to my science teacher ramble on about how goldfish are actually quite smart. I'd heard the story a dozen times. Apparently her goldfish could tell the time and would splash water whenever it knew that it was time for it to be fed. No one really cared, but let her talk about the goldfish just so we would waste time.

From: Unknown Number

I like it when girls take control ;) - A

I snorted as I read the text, quickly covering it up with a coughing fit. A bunch of people in my class looked at me and began to cough too. It was as if someones phone had buzzed and they were all covering up. Lucky for them, my phone was on silent so they wouldn't have to cough every two minutes or so.

To: Unknown Number

I love it when boys concentrate in class - O

A smile crept onto my face as I sent the text. I knew all too well he'd get the message and stop texting me. Well, I hoped he would anyway. If he didn't he was either really tired or too stupid. And I highly doubted it was the second option. 

I waited on the too dirty path of the teachers carpark by myself. Students walked past me chatting in their groups and I felt a little jealous. I probably looked like a loner. Oh wait, I was one currently. I took a look at my phone. The bell had rung ten minutes ago. Ashton should've been there by now. Now I started to worry that he'd ditched me. What an ass.

"Odette" His voice called out to me and I let out a sigh of relief. He hadn't ditched me. Maybe he was Mr. Nice Guy. 

"Ashton" I mimicked his strong accent that people of other countries thought was how everyone in Australia did. Unfortunately for them, not everyone talked like him. Many of us actually had a soft accent. "I was starting to think you'd given up on me"

A smile popped up on his face, one that was like a kid who had been begging their mum for a lollypop and the supermarket and the mum had finally given in a brought them one. Even his dimples were showing up. They were so big I could probably camp in them and he wouldn't even notice.

He shook his head, his golden curls going all over the place. "Never"

"So Ashton" I emphasised his name for a reason I couldn't explain. I guessed it was because I kept calling him the senior due to the fact that my two best friends referred to him as the senior, or as the hot senior. "What have you got planned?"

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