Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

I don't really know what to think of what just happened. I swear he was leaning in and we where going to kiss. But it was probably just my own imagination running wild. So i pretended like nothing happened because chances are nothing really did happen. Nothing ever happens the way i want. Last bell i thought about it and started kind of accepting that maybe i do have a little guy crush on my best friend. But that's normal right? Its not like i hate gay people. I mean Joe from my P.E class is gay and i have some of the greatest memories with him and i never thought of him as any different just because he went for guys. But me? I still think of girls as hot. Like lisa and i have to admit Marissa is pretty hot also. I don't look at any other guys like i do the way i look at Jack. Like Zack and Rian I'm just as close with them but there is just something different about Jack. I have something with him that i don't have with Lisa or any other of my ex girlfriends. Something i don't have with any other of my close friends. Something special. "Day dreaming Mr. Gaskarth?" Jack pulled me back to reality. I looked around and Mr.Leigh was telling us we can go and he never wants to catch us ever doing that again. I gave him a half smile and we left. "Worst teacher ever!" Jack said. A little to loud but i knew he meant to do that just so Mr.Leigh could hear. We laughed and walked out of the school. "Aw fresh air!" I yelled. "I know i swear something is rotting in there." My phone rang and it was Lisa. I let out a sigh by mistake and hoped Jack didn't catch that "Hey hon." i said. "How was detention?" "Boring. He made us do all his work and clean." i  was getting in the car and Jack took my phone away from me. "Hi Lisa! Its the most amazing person ever Jack!" I could hear her laugh and Jack went on "Sorry Alex is driving. But there is this party on Saturday and u should come with Alex and get Marissa to come. I know parties aren't her style but trust me it would be fun. I'll send you the address." I couldn't hear what she said then I heard Jack go "Great! Well Alex will call you back later if his phone doesn't get taken away. I don't trust his driving and the thought scares me to think of him on the phone at the same time. Tell her you love her Alex!" I started to feel hurt again and like he was making fun of me without even knowing it. "Love you babe!" I called. She loves it when i say that to her. Which made me feel like a dick again. Jack hung up the phone and he texted Lisa the place to go. We where at his house and he got his bags and said "See ya tomorrow sexy!" i laughed and told him bye. So many feelings where rushing through me! I mean i felt like a dick for treating Lisa the way i did, for leading her on, hurt because i really like Jack and it just doesn't feel so great when i have to realize he has a girlfriend and so do i. Pathetic because i have feelings for my best friend who is totally straight. But since the party is this weekend i might able to just be with Lisa and suddenly get the feelings I'm supposed to feel by her touch instead of getting that feeling i get when i touch Jack. That spark. I got home and my mom was cooking dinner and my dad at work as usual. "I don't really feel like having to lecture you about getting that detention. From the phone he sounds mean but you still got it. So as a good parent you cant go out for the next week. I know you like to be with your band but like i said i gotta be a good parent." I wasn't mad. Yes i do want to be with my band but i know she was just doing it because she cares and doesn't want me always getting in trouble in school. So i told her i'm sorry and it wont happen again and went up stairs to take a shower. 

Jacks POV

"Oh there's Jack! So you got detention. Give me your phone and you can't hang out with anyone for the next 2 weeks. I can't believe you did this. I mean an insulting drawing of your damn teacher? Really Jack?" I quickly deleted all messages and handed my phone over. "i don't want this happening again. Or else your going to get more taken away and you defiantly wont be seeing your band friends in awhile." i just nodded my head because i don't want her mistaking whatever i say as an attitude. Once she was done yelling at me i went upstairs got a shower and got ready for dinner. Lisa said she promises to get  Marissa to go. I really needed her to come. I need to prove to myself that my dream was just a dream and when i leaned in i wasn't really leaning in. I was just getting up yeah. I didn't want his lips. I don't want to hold him close. I don't want to kiss him hard. I don't want to be more than just friends. I don't look at him that way. I repeated this over and over in my head. Hoping that maybe i could believe it. The next few days went by in a breeze. Me and Alex being weird. Me and the band thinking of new beats and i would show them some of the lyrics i thought up of at lunch. The one thing we all share in common besides wanting to have as much fun as possible is the dream of being a famous band one day. To play live with thousands of people shouting our names. Gosh what a life that would be. Lisa got Marissa to go thankfully and we where going to meet there. Lisa with Marissa and me with Alex. It was kind of cool that Lisa and Marissa are both really good friends and so are me and Alex. I talked to Alex on the computer and he told me he was almost there. He messaged me saying this party is going to be crazy so he convinced his mom to let him spend the night with me because we are going to work on a school thing. His mom doesn't know i got detention with him. We did this before. We told our parents we where spending the night with each other and really we would just go where ever. Go to the beach and stay there all night or the woods or climb on roofs just random places together. Just me and him and we would talk and laugh and do the most stupidest things. We would sometimes get Rian and Zack in on it. Once the whole band stayed at the beach all night and dared each other to do the craziest things and made the most funniest videos. "Hey dad?" My mom already left for work and my dad was in the living room watching TV. "Yeah Jack?" "Um i know I'm grounded and i deserve it and i completely understand if you say no. But Marissa has been having a really bad week. With her family and friend drama i really want to take her out and just have fun and get her mind of everything. Alex is taking Lisa to that amusement park. I have money so can i please just-" "Oh go ahead. Here some extra money" he took out 20 bucks and gave it to me. "Have fun and I'm sure you're gonna end up spending the night with him?" "If i'm aloud to." i replied. He smiled and said "OK have a great time and don't tell your mother about this."  "Thanks dad!" That's the difference between my mom and my dad. He is so cool and lets me do pretty much anything. But my mom wouldn't even think of letting me out. That's the main reason they fight a lot. Because of me. I ignored those thoughts and ran up to my room and changed in to some blue jeans and my grey V-neck that Marissa says i looks hot in. I looked out the window and i saw Alex flashing his lights at my window. "Bye dad! I love you!" i yelled as i ran out the door. "Who's ready to party?" i said as i hopped in the car. "I know i am! Dude Zack and Rian are already there and sent me pictures this place is fucking crazy." he handed me over his phone. The house was huge and people where all over the front yard. Then more pictures of the inside people drinking, dancing, laughing. "This looks epic." i said as i put the phone down. I took a look and Alex is wearing black jeans and a black tank top. His hair looks perfect as always and i couldn't stop staring. "Just take a picture it would last longer." he said. i blushed and looked away "Shut up!" "I've been getting text of people asking if we're going all day. I have a feeling we are going to get trashed." "totally! my dad thinks I'm spending the night with you." "Awesome! Hey I think this is it." we actually lived kind of close to the place. We pulled up to a house and hide our car a little since the place was so close to my house. The house has toilet paper in the trees, plastic cups everywhere, people making out in the front yard. We walked in and found Rian and Zack. They where already shit faced. Which we never saw a lot of so it made it 10 times better. "This is amazing! Have a d-d-d" "Drink" i ended for Rian. We went and got some. Lisa and Marissa where there and they ran up to us. Marissa looked slightly pissed great! "Hey babe." I heard Lisa say as she pulled Alex close and almost swallowed his face. Why can't that be- Jack don't finish that thought! i mentally slapped myself and focused on Marissa. "You mad?" "No." shes mad. "Come on hon. This is gonna be fun. You and me." She seemed to brighten up a little and we kissed. 

Alex's POV

I watched as Jack kissed Marissa. I could tell just by the way he moved his body he really doesn't want to be kissing her. But why not? "Come on." Lisa said and tried guiding me to the living room where everyone was mainly dancing. "Wait!" i took my plastic cup full of whatever brand alcohol and chugged it down. When i finished Lisa was just staring at me. "Rough week?" I laughed and already felt the buzz coming on. "eh" "Ok lets dance!" Lisa partly dragged me to the floor and we danced. I grabbed her hips and pushed her body against me. I kissed her neck softly and we moved with the beat. I remembered Jack, Rian, and Zack and looked around the room real quick. Hm must be doing whatever. I stumbled a little and the effect started coming on. "I'm gonna get some water" i yelled over the music. "Ill come with you!" Lisa said. I took her hand so she wouldn't get lost and we found our way to the drinking area. We came just in time to see Marissa running out the door crying. "What the hell?" i heard Lisa scream. Jack was just standing at the door. "What happened?" i asked. "Broke up." was all he said. "You brought her here just to break up with her? What the fuck Jack! That's such a douche move!" "OK relax Lisa." i cut in. "Relax? Jack made me convinced Marissa to come just so he could break up with her! Wow fuck you!" "Don't say that to him!" i yelled back. "Whatever!" She ran out the door following Marissa's foot steps. I looked over at Jack who had turned around and was walking down the hall to some room. I caught up with Jack and followed him into some room all the way in the back "What happened?" i repeated.

Jacks POV

"Well we went in this back room and she was all the way in her bra and undies but then she told me she loves me. I don't feel the same at all. I couldn't lead her on. I know i know she is beautiful and i was the luckiest guy ever to have her. It just wasn't there. You know?" I told him the truth. I wanted to be all over Marissa but i couldn't keep leading her on like this. "I'm sorry if i caused you and Lisa to fight." i apologized remembering when they where yelling at the front. "No dude its all good. Actually i feel exactly how you feel about Marissa with Lisa." I looked at him questionably. "What?" "I mean I don't feel it with Lisa." "Yeah." was all i said and i laid back on the bed. Alex came up next to me and lied down. I flipped over and we where facing each other. "So i guess I'm single now and i just hurt you relationship that you don't really want." "Yeah that sums it up." Alex said. "Hm pretty good night." He laughed and i felt something flop in my stomach. His laugh. I love it. He stopped laughing and looked at me again. I was just staring at him and this time didn't care if he noticed. I looked at those lips and back up at him. He did the same and we both leaned in. It started off hesitant but soon the kiss became more intense. I pulled him on top of me and my grip on his waist as he moved his body giving me a boner. He kissed me again and found his hands to my crotch. "Oh Alex" i let out. I couldn't help myself! I am 100% turned on by him. He took control like he knew what to do and pulled my pants down. I took off his shirt and felt his amazing body. He wrapped his hands around my spot and begin stroking it. More moans came out my mouth. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Oh..yes" He went faster and soon i hit my point. I opened my eyes in shock. Wow. He then put the covers over us and pooled me close to him. "Night." he kissed me on the cheek and we soon passed out from the alcohol and it was pretty late.

The next morning i woke up to Alex not there. I quickly got up and put my pants back on. I remembered last night and smiled. I found Alex roaming around. "Have you seen Zack or Rian." "um no" "Me neither. Dude what happened last night? I remember dancing with Lisa but that's about it. I woke up next to you in your boxer and i had no shirt. I'm going to assume you had a crazy night with Marissa?" He didn't remember. I know he didn't look at it weird to wake up with me like that because when we spent the night we always slept together like that. Well not the hand job part the cuddling part. "Oh there they are." i heard Alex say. Rian came out the bathroom and Zack was sitting up from being in the floor in the corner. I could feel my eyes tearing up so i ran out the house. I ran and never looked back. Just kept running and running and running.

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