Chapter 6

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Alex POV

"um shouldn't we be getting to class?" I asked. I already was getting fantasy's of going further and remembering the night at the party. "Do you want to? We only have P.E next and that's it." We both have P.E next but unfortunately we have a different teacher. "Well what else could we do?" " I kind of want to go do something with you. Like you know see a movie? I totally get it if you want to go to class. Its just today all we are going to do it running that track and um i don't know i just had the thought and i you know just really wanna like leave with you and ya-" "Ok, ok Jack chill. We should blow this Popsicle stand." That made him smile and we headed for the courtyard. The courtyard has these gates that lead to the parking lot. People where always leaving school that way because there is no cameras and the classrooms are further away so the chances of a teacher catching you is very slim. We walked calmly like we where going to class and walked right to the car. "So what movie shall we see?" I asked. "lets see when we get there!" he replied. I nodded and we started driving. But half way there i saw Macie walking down the street alone with her head down. "Hey there's Macie!" Jack said. Was it just me or is he to happy to see her? "Yeah pull over lets kidnap her." i said. Yes i feel jealous but it's still Macie, the girl who called me her big brother. "Whatcha doin all by your lonesome?" Jack said trying to sound Southern. She looked up shocked to see us. "It's already 2?" "Nope! We decided to ditch. We don't like gym. Hop in the car girl!" i said. Macie got in and i could tell she was feeling depressed just by the way she was walking but she seemed happier now with people. "We where gonna see a movie but i think we should go to that skating place." Jack said. We like going roller blading but we mainly go when we have a girl that we're trying to get with. Just because it's always fun there. They play great music and it's a great excuse to hold hands or get close when she 'accadintly' falls. More jealousy. "yeah sure!" i said. "Sounds like fun! But um i don't really have money." "I'll pay May." I automatically said. "Did you just give me a nickname?" she asked laughing. "Hm i think i did. May i like it." i said laughing. "Sounds good to me." "Aw aren't you two just so close. Hey you know it just acquired to me. How the hell did you two met? Like Macie you just appeared on the roof with Alex." Jack asked. I could see panic in May's eyes and i quickly said "Oh yeah turns out that's her spot. She goes there randomly just to relax. I thought i heard something and i looked around and found her listening to music." "Oh. Cool looks like we're not the only ones who like to sneak out and go to random places!" He replied. Macie just kept quit. "Jack your missing the turn." At last minute he turned right making someone jerk their car to a stop. "Smart ass." he called me. "What? How am i the smart ass? Not only did you almost miss the turn but you also almost got us killed." He laughed and then out of no where he smacked me in the balls. I crunched over in pain. "Ow. Gosh fuck you!" Jack was laughing and i could see Macie laughing so hard her face turned red. "You're so lucky you're driving!" "Oh I'm sorry do you want me to rub them for ya?" He took his hands and gently touched my area. Not in a joking quick touch no of course not. The way he did it started turning me on. So i pushed his hand away. "Focus on driving!" i yelled. Macie was still cracking up. "Oh my gosh don't hurt yourself back there May." i said. "No its just you two are so adorable." "Oh why thank you." Jack said. But how did she mean that? Like we're just adorable like cute and funny or adorable like in a cute relationship? Gosh Alex you need to get it out of your head that you and Jack have a thing I told myself. I smiled and we got out of the car. We walked in and i payed for me and Macie and Jack payed for himself. I was going to pay for him also but he insisted he will and it's ok. As we put on our roller blades Macie said "I havn't done this in forever so beware." "Oh it's ok I can teach you." Jack told her. Ugh i was right. We go on the floor and we started slowly with May in the middle of us holding our hands. She started getting the hang of it after many attempts that just ended with all of us on the floor laughing. "Ok let go." she told us. We let go of her hand and watched as she started doing it by herself. Aw it's like watching a little kid getting the hang of riding a bike for the first time. If I knew how it was to have a kid. I would assume it felt something like this. Like watching someone you had a bond with and have helped slowly do something on there own. I found myself smiling like an idiot and jack looked at me. "Crushing on the new girl?" he asked. The thought seriously shocked me. "What? No way! I just feel like shes a really good friend you know?" He laughed and said "come on!" He grabbed my hand to make me speed up. But once we got to her he didn't let go. Even though i'm confused on how he feels about me i let him keep holding it. It made me feel happy. Having fun with Macie and having Jacks hand locked in mine felt right. After awhile Jack said "I'm hungry and thirsty. Since you payed Alex i will this time. Pizza and soda anyone?" "Yes please!" i yelled. "Yeah but i feel like i'm taking advantage of you guys. I mean you bought-" "Oh come on Macie you're one of us now. Besides we kind of kidnapped you out of no where. We didn't expect you to have money on you. I only have money because my dad gives me it for lunch but i secretly save it up." Jack had a slick smile on his face and i got all warm inside. Hes so hot! Arg! Everyone sat down and dug in. Jack beside me and Macie across from us. We laughed and giggled at random things and i felt someones hand take mine. It's Jacks again. I felt myself blush and Jack looked at me and smiled. "Aw you two seriously are cute together!" Macie said. I chocked my on my drink and ripped my hand out of his. "What?" "You two. Aren't you guys dating?" "What made you think that!" I said. "Um well for one you guys hold hands and i can kind of see it. The way you two look at each other. I mean i could be wrong and i am totally sorry if i am." Me and Jack met each others eyes. "Um we're not dating." Jack said still looking me in the eye. Wow those words stung. I took my eyes off him and said "We're just really close friends nothing more." i smiled and ate more pizza. Jack changed the subject about how stupid his P.E teacher is. She giggled and we moved on like nothing happened. After we ate we got in the car because if we weren't home soon our parents would know something was up. I dropped Macie off and told her i'll see her tomorrow same spot and I'm taking her to my house. She nodded and got out. The drive was kind of awkward. So since we acted like nothing happened when Macie was here i'm going to do it now. "So you wanna spend the night?" after a pause i thought maybe he doesn't want to be friends anymore after that. What would i do? "Yeah! Plus i need to tell my parents about Clark!" he answered. Oh thank god! I forgot about Clark again. I was in front of his house and he said "Wait here ill ask my dad." "Mom still mad?" I asked "Um yeah." i could see the hurt in his eyes. I know his mom and his dad fight a lot and how strict she can be with him. I rubbed his leg and said "It's gonna be alright dude." He rubbed my hand said "Thanks." He got out and ran inside. When he came back he looked super excited. "Not only did he say yes to spending the night but he said he will talk to my mom about Clark. But he wants to meet him so its most likely a yes!" "Oh thank goodness! I need to tell my parents also. You being there will make them say yes." We walked in and since my mom always lets Jack over i knew she wouldn't care. She knew about his parents fighting. In the past Jack would come here crying and needed a place to sleep. My mom would make him something sweet to eat and hold him sometimes when he needed it. "hey mama! Hi papa!" I yelled. "What is it you want?" My dad asked. "So this guy whose name is Clark wants to sign us! The band! Like get us famous! He wants to have a meeting with us and our parents. This Friday at the shake. Please please-" "Let us talk about it tonight and we will give you the answer later." My mom said. "Ok!" i grabbed Jacks arms and ran up stairs to my room. We cracked the door so we could listen in. "Well what do you think?" i heard my mom say. "I think we should give it a try. I mean the boys are talented what harm could it do to at least meet this guy?" Yes my dad is on our side. "Yeah but i just don't want them to get disappointed. It can be tough and what if girls start going crazy for them and it gets to their heads-" "Honey calm down. We don't even know if Clark is serious. Also its Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian it wont get to their heads. They just want to have fun this is their dream lets give it a try." "Fine." me and Jack looked at each other and high fived. Oh my gosh yes! We turned on some music and jumped around. "This is freaking awesome!" i said. After we got our excitement out we calmed down with some video games and eating junk food. After awhile i lied down on the bed and Jack curled up beside me and i put my arms around him. It felt so good just like that. It pained me to know he doesn't look at this anymore then a friendship though. We where watching some movie i didn't know the name of. We turned on the TV and it was in the middle and we decided since it looked funny we should watch it. "Alex." "Yeah?" "You know how Macie said what she said about us today?" "Yeah." "I- I kind of liked the idea. Of you know me and you. Together." He flipped over and looked at me. "I only said that out of shock and didn't know how you felt. I didn't mean it." I grinned and said "Just kiss me Jack." Our lips crashed into each others and i pulled his body closer to mine.

JalexOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora