Chapter 15

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Alex POV

I got out of the shower and we got ready. I actually felt pretty good. I got Jack, no more girl drama, and Macie is on her way back home. We hopped in the car and i asked "So your dad can make it right?" "Yeah he said he will be there." "Good. Jack don't let it bother you it will be ok." i said as i held his hand. Once we got to school i spotted Rian and Zack. "Guys!" i yelled as me and Jack got out the car. "Hey! Today is the day!" Zack said running up to us. "I know! So at lunch we can all leave right?" Jack asked making sure everything was as planned. "Yup!" we all said. "Alright now lets try getting through this  day as quickly as possible." he said and we walked to the school together. But as soon as we sat down to start first class i found that i cuoldn't relax i was to excited and with all the cute notes me and Jack passed it just made me even more excited! Finally though the bell rang and after next class was lunch. But this time before we stopped at my class Jack grabbed my arm. I turned to see what was up and he kissed me. I smiled and blushed and felt like i was going to pass out! "One more block." he said with a wink and headed to his class. God look at that ass. Ok focus! The teacher talked and talked and made us do so much work but once the bell rang we all rushed out the door. Already with Rian we looked for the rest. "There you are lets go!" i heard Zack call. "Oh don't get your panties in a twist." i said but we all ran down the hall to the front desk. We gave them our note saying we can leave early and we called our parents as we got out. They where already headed there and i was going to drive everyone to the shake. We blasted music and laughed with excitement. We talked about what it would be like to be famous and what if we really did all the way up to the shake. "Hey guys!" we all said in union. Then we looked at each other and i said "Yeah we spend to much time together." Just then Clark walked in. "Hello my name is Clark." he shook the parents hand and they introduced themselves. "The boys may of told you a little about me. I work for a big music company and we are currently in the search of the next great band. In fact if everything goes as planned we can have these boys playing at Warped Tour." We tried being quit but couldn't help that we where going crazy inside. "Um boys why don't you go outside while we ask questions." Rians mom said. The rest of the parents shook there head in agreement. Looks like we didn't do a good job at hiding our freak out. "Ugh whats going on?" Jack said impatiently. We went outside and where waiting for them to let us back in. "I don't know." we stared at them till finally we got in. They had smiled on their faces and Clark said "Can you guys please sign here and we can start recording and writings soon." We all jumped and my head was racing. Gosh what would it be like to be a famous band? I don't know but i knew that this was just the beginning.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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