Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

Jack ran out the door and i ran after him. My head was killing me but it looked like Jack was crying. Does this mean he does remember last night? I didn't know if he did or not so i planned on acting like nothing happened. Yes i was tipsy but i remember everything unlike Zack and Rian. "Jack!" i saw him turn the corner still running. He didn't look back. "Jack! Dude!" he finally stopped. "Yeah?" he said. "Are you ok?" "i'm fine Alex." "Do you remember last night? Because i do." i told him. "Yeah and?" the way he said it made me feel like he doesn't think anything of it. Like he thinks of it as just being drunk and horny nothing more. But truth is i wanted to do that. After the dreams i have about him and watching him with Marissa i wanted to be his center of attention. Maybe he looked upset because of Marissa and this has nothing to do with me. "Is it Marissa?" "uh yeah. I just got a text from her. God i don't know what im doing." He wouldn't look at me. Gee well that hurt. That hurt a lot. He doesn't care about me. What a fool i am to ever believe he did have any feelings like that for me! my phone rang it's Lisa. Before i answered it i took his arm to get him to turn around. When he did i looked right in to Jack's eyes and asked. "So last night was just two drunk and horny teens? Nothing more?" "Nothing more bro you don't have to worry." i faked a smile and picked the phone up. "Hey." "Hi" i said. I started passing back and forth on the sidewalk while Jack sat on the grass of someones front yard. "um I don't know what to say about yesterday. I mean i was just trying to defend my best friend because all i knew was that she was crying. You where just trying to defend your best friend because he was getting cursed at and i completely understand and i just want to go back to that night and me and you didn't get involved and let them work it out. I talked to Marissa and she told me what he said. That he is truly sorry and doesn't want to lead her on, he cares about her just not in that way and is in love with someone else. She said she isn't pissed just a little upset that she's not the one he is in love with. I'm sorry." She finally finished. She was talking so fast i could hear her taking a few breaths. I wanted to go back also. I want to go back to being able to make myself believe i have feelings for Lisa and not jack. To make myself believe that i only got turned on by certain things Jack did because of hormones and i don't really want more with him. "Who's the other person hes in love with?" i tried to whisper so Jack wouldn't hear. after a pause she stuttered out "Um she, she didn't say." three signs to know if Lisa is lying to you. 1. she takes a pause long enough to notice 2. stutters and 3. says um. "I want to go back also Lisa. Do you think we could hang out today?" "No. I wish i really do but i told Marissa i would take her out to the mall. You know get her mind off Jack." "Oh yeah that's probably a good idea. You're such a nice person Lisa." I said trying to sweet talk her. She giggled and said "I gotta go Marissa will be waking up soon. i love you." "ok bye love." i felt less guilty when i called her love then telling her i love her. i don't think she realized that i never really said i love her but once and i swore to never say it again. But maybe this time that my chances with Jack are defiantly over (like i ever had any) i could actually feel it with Lisa. When i hung up the phone i saw fresh tears on Jack's cheek and as if my heart couldn't break anymore it piratically shattered at the sight of seeing him cry. I sat next to him and quickly put my arms around him. He put his legs over me and curled into a little ball. We where leaning on a tree and i softly rocked him. "Whats the real reason you're crying Jack?" he didn't respond so i just shook my head and hummed softly. After awhile he checked his phone and i looked over his shoulder to see a text from Zack. He showed me the phone and it was talking about some gig thing at this little shake. Apparently there where big companies coming and are going to sign people if they find that they like you. "It's today. We should go." jack said. "yeah." i muttered and kissed him on the forehead. I don't know why i did that. I just felt like i should. We got up and Jack wiped his face off and we headed back to that house. "Do you want Marissa back?" I asked. "Nah. I'm over her. I think i want a break from relationships for awhile." "Ah you sound like a boring adult." i said trying to lighten the mood. He smiled and i felt a little better. We met up with the guys and decided to get home, shower and clean up then i would pick everyone up and play at the shake. "No ones home at my place. You wanna just come over? I have your clothes. We can get ready together and do each others hair and nails!" i said in a crazy girl voice. Jack bust out laughing and said "Yes! How could i pass up such an offer?" good. We're going back to how it used to be and i prefer that and still secretly like him more then a friend then like him more then a friend, tell him, and him to weirded out to talk to me anymore. As we walked in i took a shower first. When i got out i only had a towel covering my hips and down. Jack was sitting on my bed playing on my laptop and looked up at me. He gave me a half smile and i watched as his eyes went from my face to further down my body. "I thought we already went over this just take a damn a picture!" i said. He laughed and said "I can't help myself." he got up and before he passed me to go into the bathroom he whispered in my ear "You're just so sexy." It sent shivers down my spine. His breath, those words. Ugh why! I think i understand it now. i thought to myself as i got dressed. Jack is simply a player. He plays girls like Marissa and somehow i got tricked into his games. But who is the person that he really wants to be with? He got out and i fought the urge to look at him until he was fully clothed. "Lets do this!" I yelled as we ran downstairs to pick everyone up. we where yelling and getting super excited in the car. When we got there we found that there was only like 3 other bands who where signed up to play. The paper said just add your bands name and the song to sing. Of course it's going to be All The Small Things by Blink 182! We always played that song and added our own touch to it. We took a seat and watched as bands played and saw a few people in suits sitting in the back. Now your probably thinking where are our parents? But we always did things like this without them because well we wanted to feel more like adults i guess. Be taken seriously without our mom or dad by our side. "Next up is All Time Low and they are going to cover the song All The Small Things by Blink 182!" the host called. We ran on stage not really nervous. We did things like this before and we where so focused on getting our dream that we couldn't let being scared get in the way. As i sang, Jack and Zack playing guitar, and Rian with drums people got up and started dancing. I couldn't help but smile and feel a little proud of our band. I love the energy that runs through us as we play. They cheered and next thing we know where ending the song. The people clapped as we got off and a tall man came up to us. "Hi my name is Clark i'm from Emerald Moon Records. I would love if we could set up some sort of a meeting are your parents or guardians here?" He handed all of us one of his cards. "No sir. I'm sorry." Rian told him. This made Clark smile "Don't be sorry. Are you free this Friday at lets say 1:00pm?"  We all shook our heads. "Yeah we're free anytime." i said. "Good We can meet up here with your parents or guardian and discuss getting you signed and hopefully that will happen. I need a new and amazing band. I can see you guys having a bright future if you continue with this. Don't forget Friday at 1." he said as he left. We jumped up and yelled "Yeah!" i can't believe this just happened yes! Finally! "Ok guys we need to convince our parents this is a good thing! Come on we need to tell them!" We ran into my car. "All of us have to text each other telling what your parents reaction is and what they think alright?" They all nodded their heads and we kept talking about it and how crazy it was until i made my last stop dropping Zack off. "So you wanna spend the night together but not really?" Jack asked. "Duh! i already have in mind where we can hang out!" Jack ran inside asked his dad and got some stuff and came back out. I smiled at how slick it was and we went to my place. I did the same thing and I got back in the car and Jack said "Ok we are climbing the roof of the mall!" "What? What made you think of that?" "I don't know. But it will be fun! I remember seeing a ladder attached it the other day." "Hey are you and Lisa cool? I didn't want to ruin anything with you." Jack asked. "Yeah. She said she was sorry and was just trying to defend her best friend. Like how i was just trying to defend you. But tonight lets not talk about her and girls. A huge company is interested in us! How fucking amazing!" i said changing the subject. "Yeah! This is crazy. God i hope all our parents are on board." I parked my car in a neighborhood i knew wouldn't tow and we walked to the back of the mall. "There it is!" i ran up to the ladder and me and Jack climbed it. Once on top the sky looked wonderful! The stars and the gentle spring breeze made everything perfect. We found a spot and laid down. I thought about it for a second and just went ahead and lied my head on Jacks chest and he held me close. Just because of our drunken night doesn't mean our normal cuddling has to change. "I kind of like this." Jack whispered. "I kind of do to." i said. I looked at him and just watched his face. His perfect face. "Just take a picture." he said throwing back what i said earlier. I laughed and said. "Sorry i can't help myself. You're just so sexy." He laughed and we lied there like that just looking at each other while i was curled up on him. I watced as Jack drifted off to sleep. He alwasy fell asleep quickly. I tried doing the same when i heard someone walking around. I jolted back up what the hell? To end my paranoia i finally got up with out waking him up. "Hello?" I looked around and found a figure standing at the very edge of the building. "Don't come any closer!" she yelled at me.

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