Chapter 1

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^just a little present~~ OOF I DIE EVERYTIME KOOK


It had been about four weeks since y/n had come to Seoul and she had to admit some things were a bit confusing at first...

Y/n: Ok hold up CONFUSING????? no no no

Author-nim you must be stupid cause the first four weeks were literal hell for me.

The first time I used the subway I got stuck putting my ticket in the slot thing and everyone around me was just staring at me like I was flying. Eventually a very kind security guard came up to me and helped me out. HE was very kind during this embarrassing situation while Cara my best friend since kindergarten and now roommate was laughing her ass off not bothering to help at all. 

Cause thats what friends are for


Also not to mention I can't find a single real job literally anywhere and I am now walking dogs for a living... walking dogs FOR . A . LIVING.

So ya not the best start here.

Author-nim: oh my heysus no need to take your anger out on me. Lets just start the real story.


"Y/n, you have to come to this concert with me!"

It was your fourth week in the city and you and your best friend Cara were sitting in a cafe near your apartment. She had always been a big lover of Kpop while you could honestly care less. 

Her room is like a Kpop shrine every way you turn your bound to see at least five Kpop posters and or Kpop t-shirts, hats, or sweaters. Not to mention that you could only hear Kpop music in your apartment every day and every night.

every day~ every night~ feel like a- 

sorry getting sidetracked

you tucked your brown hair behind your ear

"and why would I want to go to a rave of fangirls and fanboys celebrating their "gods"?"

"Oh shut up, we are not that bad so no judging ok."

"ya, sure" you said sarcastically

She playfully smacked you across the table and you both smiled just like old times.

"But brooooo you have to commmeee," she continued, "I don't want to be alone" she tried her brown puppy dog eyes but you both knew her attack of cuteness had no affect on you.

"oh come on you know thats not going to work"

"Hey it was worth a try" she said disappointed

"How about this," she tried again, "I'll bring you to a wolf exhibit if you come with me"

Dang she got me, you thought.

you loved wolves since you were a kid, you were always fascinated by the beautiful creatures and you used to fantasize about being one of them. Your mother and father used to take you to a mountain where you would watch a pack of them. They always seemed to love your family and your family always seemed to love them, although you have no idea why. they are your biggest weakness.

you rolled your eyes "Okay fine, I'll go but you have to pay for my ticket"

"YASSS" She stood up and started cheering, getting weird looks from other people in the Cafe.

you just looked down and face palmed. Sometimes she was to confident for her own good, you thought.

Once she finally calmed down and took a seat you asked when it was.

The Idols Mate// BTS ff \\Where stories live. Discover now