Chapter 7

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I'm not that kinky I swear ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right when you were mentally cursing yourself out the car came to a stop outside of a HUGE apartment complex.

There were two massive gates blocking the entry way with a guard stationed inside a hut sort of thing beside them.

The driver got out and went up to the guard who was currently scrolling down her phone (probably on pinterest or something)

when she noticed the man she put her phone down and began to talk with him until he headed back to the car.

Right when he got in the gates of the complex started to open.

We drove a bit more till we got to a huge apartment building in the middle of the complex.

You looked out of the window in awe trying not to wake the sleeping children up.

Well fuck me up the asshole, these guys are rich as heck

You yelped in surprise and grabbed your chest when the right door of the vehicle swung open.

when you realized it was just the driver you let out a long sigh and leaned back into the seat.

You relaxed until the man started to wake up the boys in the car.

You looked at him kind of unsure about what to do.

"Wake them up too" he said without a care for his loud voice pointing to the men at your shoulders and Namjoon.

You gave him a slight nod and moved to wake up Taehyung who was on your right side

Mumbles could be heard from the other members being woken up as you took your hand up to pat Tae's face softly.

"Wake up Tae~"

He groaned quietly and snuggled his face more into your neck.

flushing slightly you smiled

he's actually super cute

you moved to tickle him before his hand caught your wrist

His big dark eyes were open and staring into you.

Gulping you looked away not being able to handle the sharp gaze.

"We're at your apartment Tae" You mumbled trying to look back at him with a solid gaze but failing miserably "We should get out."

His expression lightened in understanding as he let out a boxy grin.

"Ok" he chirped jumping off his seat and out of the car.

Your eyes followed him out. You then shifted your gaze back to the driver who was attempting to wake Jungkook up by tickling his nipples. You sighed lightly and faced Jimin on your left-

wait... tickling his-... um... Should I be worried about that... nahhh

You can only imajin what the driver was thinking.

Soon you wake Jimin, who "accidentally" falls on you while trying to get out of the car. Once he is out he looks over his shoulder and winks at you with a wide smirk plastered on his face.

Trying to ignore the pink dusting your cheeks you scoff and turn away from him.

Freaking hell these boys are either flirty, annoying or a combination of the two

Your roll your eyes dramatically knowing no one was in the car with you. You finally had time to text Cara back so she could stop freaking out.

Well thats what you thought until you hear a loud snore coming from the man seated at the window with his mouth hanging wide open.

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