Where Our Nightmares Come True

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*1 year and a half later* Noah's POV

"THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEE!!!" Rachel yells with her hand raised.

"I KNOW AAAAA!" I yell too.


We were in my black Porsche convertible racing at 124 mph. It was the best feeling in the world.

Let me explain how is our life in L.A. Our life in L.A it's just THE DREAM. We realized our dream to make the company become a multimillionaire company and we are sure that our dads are very proud of us. Rachel and I now are 16 years and we are in our summer vacation. We're going to the junior year in a few weeks. The school in L.A it's amazing! In a few days Rach and I are going to Disney to celebrate the 1 year and a half that she's sober, it's her record. I'm very proud of her. I'll be anything without my sister, she's my everything, my best friend, my safe harbor, I love her. We  don't have any family , it's just us. It's pretty hard to manage a company when you are a teenager, Rachel and I hate meetings, but at least we have Camilla and John, they used to help our dads and now they help us. We consider they our family. We live in a mansion at the beach and we are very happy, leave Lima was the right to do. But we are not the same we will never be the same, we are much more mature now, we had to mature early, at 14 we took over one of the largest companies in the world. We live a life of adults but in the body of teenagers and we have many responsibilities. 

*Lima,Ohio* Finn's POV

It's been 1 year and a half since Rachel and Puck left and no one is the same. I think everyone change after they said that we didn't knew the real them, we just knew half. We from Glee Club are going to Disney to celebrate the end of the summer. I never dated anyone since Rachel, I screw up with her but I was only 14. Everyone tells me to move on but I still have hope that she will comeback.

"Okay everybody say: Glee!" Mr.Schue said.

"Glee!" Everyone yells happy.

We are going to celebrate our great year in Disney! I'm so excited.

*Magic Kingdom DISNEY* Quinn's POV

I was looking the park then I see something. Holy shit, I recognize this mohawk from anywhere and this short girl, they're definitely Rachel and Puck. That can't be them, they're so different.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yell then everyone looks at me so I pointed to them.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Kurt said.

"What are the chances?" Santana said shocked. 

"I think pretty big." I said.

"We have to talk to them." Mercedes said.

"No!" Santana said.

"It's been a year and a half, we have to clarify everything." Kurt said.

"No, they left us and said that we just knew half of them. We actually don't know anything about them, the only thing I know it's that they left us and just said "Life it's unfair sometimes" they don't care about us, this is the truth." Santana said.

"Let's follow them." I said.

"I'm not a stalker." Sam said.

"We will lose our trip following them?" Finn said.

"Oh cmon we all know that you still love Rachel, aren't you curious to know what happened?" Kurt said.

"They're leaving, let's just go." Mercedes said.

We started to follow them and look very happy and I don't wanna ruin their moment.  

"Guys, do you really want to keep following them?" I said.

"I never wanted to do this and Quinn that was your idea!" Sam said.

"I know, but they really look happy and if they see us we will ruin their moment and I don't wanna do this. Look at them." I said. 

We all look at them and they were taking a lot of pictures in front of the castle and they were laughing very hard. They are having a lot of fun and anyone can see.

"Quinn is right." Mercedes said.

"I think we have to talk to them." Kurt said.

"I don't want to ruin their happiness." Finn said.

"What about our happiness? We all know that we will regret if we don't talk." Kurt said.

"Let's go." Artie said.

We approach them and they lost the smile when they saw us.

Noah's POV

I was having the time of my life, taking a lot of pictures with Rachel then I see the ghost from the past coming to us.

"Holy shit." I said and stop smiling.

"You are pale, what happened?" Rachel said.

"Look yourself" I said and she turn around and close her smile.

"What we do?" Rachel asked me nervous.

"We use few words, speak as coldly as possible and keep the posture, we are important people now and any personal detail."  I said.

"Shit." She said.

"Hi." Quinn said.

"Hi." Rachel and I said coldly.

"You two are really great." Kurt said "Rachel you really did the make over, you're really looking very beautiful, I really liked the bangs." 

"Thanks, you guys are looking great too." She said coldly.

"Okay, what the hell happened to you two?" Santana asked rudely.

"Excuse you?" Rachel said as rudely as Santana.

"You are not like this." Kurt said.

"We just mature." I said coldly with a poker face.

"Cut this crap and tell us the truth." Finn said mad.

"You came here just to judge us? I'm sorry but we don't wanna hear, so excuse us.  We are leaving" I said and left with Rachel."

Finn's POV

She's more beautiful if that is possible, but she's not being herself, well both of them are so different now.

"What happened to those two?" Kurt said worried.

"They're broken." I said. "They are acting like cold people, talking more formally and with a more mature face. Something happened to them and they never recovered." 

"I'm feeling bad for them now." Sam said.

"I think we will never hear about them again." Mercedes said.

"We have our chance and ruined." I said.

"Today is been a strange day." TINA SAID.

"HELL YEAH!" Mercedes yelled and we laugh.

"But guys, I'm really worried about them." I said. 

"They don't trust anyone now." Quinn said.

"Guys I know we all care about them but we can't let them ruin our life." Kurt said "I'm as worried as you guys but if someday they want help, they know where to find us." 

"You're right." Santana said.

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