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Finn's POV

I'm at my locker thinking about Rachel, I want to make things right between us, I want to be her friend but Sam told me that she hates me. GREAT!!!!! Oh WHAT THE HELL????????? WHO THE HELL SHE'S KISSING????? When I was going on their direction a angry Puck holded me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He said angry. 

"I was going to my class." I said lying.

"No man I saw you, you were going to Rachel and Jesse. What the hell is your problem?" He said still angry.

"Excuse you?" I said.

"Man, you had your chance and it's not any one's fault that you screwed everything with her, the only guilty is you or I have to fresh your mind that you dumped her when she was in a coma, and literally leave her to die and started to date a bitch when she was in a COMA!" He said angry.

"Don't call Jade bitch." I said getting angry.

"Whatever, I don't care about you or whatever you decide to do with your life but if I see you getting closer my little sis ever again, you're a dead man. Rachel deserve someone who cares about her and if she is happy, I'm happy. If you can date, don't expect her to be waiting for you forever. So Finn Hudson STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" He said angry and left.

Dude he's so right, WHAT THE HELL IS MY PROBLEM? Why I can't be just happy for her? I have a girlfriend and I like her. I'm a jerk.

*Glee Club* Finn's POV

I walk in the choir and were just Jesse and Rachel there, could be more awkward??? Oh yeah it can, my beautiful girlfriend is coming. 

"Hey babe." She said and kissed my cheek.

"Hey babe" I said.

"Hey Rachel and Jesse." She said smiling.

"Hey!" They both said at the same time smiling. 

"Awkward." Santana said when she walks in with Kurt.

*After Glee Club* Rachel's POV

I was at my locker with Jesse when he said:

"Babe, Can I ask you something? And you have to be honest." He said.

"Of course babe, you making me nervous." I said.

"What's the thing between you and Hudson?" He asked.

"You want the whole or the short version?" I said.

"The whole." He said.

"So let's go somewhere else, it's a big story." I said with a short smile and we left to the park.

*Park* Rachel's POV

"So, when we moved to Lima I was 14 and I were a very unstable teenager but about that I'm not ready yet."I said.

"It's okay babe, whenever you be ready I'll be here to support you." He said with a little smile.

"Thanks, that's mean a lot to me. So, when I get here I met him, Finn Hudson. We were dating for about 5 months and we had a huge fight, we were both immature cause we were 14, but a week after this huge fight I was making my way to the choir and I saw him making out with a random girl and that broke my heart." I started.

"I'm sorry love." He said.

"Wait, if were just that, everything would be just fine." I said.

"There's more?" He asked with wide eyes.

"And it's worst." I said.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." He said.

"I want too." I said.

"Fine." He said.

"So, after he literally smash my heart I went to the bathroom cry and then I make my way to the choir room and Noah aka Puck beat the crap out of him and we left, four days later in our first day back we were called on Mrs.Pillsbury and she give us the notice that our dads died-"

"Rach, I'm so sorry." He said.

"OH MY GOD! NOAH WILL KILL ME!" I said "Please do not tell any one about my dads, everyone just thinks they work a lot and they're always traveling no one, when I mean it's, neither Finn." 

"My mouth is a grave." He said.

"So, after our dads passed Camilla and John came to their funeral, it was a small one, just us four. And they gave us the idea to move lo L.A because... We moved to L.A this is what matter. When we were 17 the lawyer read to us a letter from our dads asking us to come back to Lima, so we did. In the beginning from the junior year I was dating Finn again for a few months and one morning Noah and I when we were going to school our car was hited by a truck."

"Oh my God Rachel, I'm so freakin sorry to make you remember this." He said with teary eyes. "I'm a monster." 

"Oh baby, the story is starting and you're not a monster, you're my boyfriend and after this life full of tragedy if you don't want to be anymore, I'll understand." I said.

 "I'll never leave you because of this." He said.

"Continuing my story-" I said.

"There's more?" He said.

"Yes." I said

"You're so brave." He said.

"So, after this truck crash car accident I became I don't know what I became, a kind o spirit maybe? But I was able to see everyone and hear everything. I saw my body a mess, I saw everyone giving up. The paramedics were trying to bring me back and when all of them give up one keep trying and thanks him I'm alive, his name is Liam and he's dating the nurse that take care of me, Sophi they're so cute together, that's not the point." I said and Jesse giggle how about I get lost.

"So I was a mess and so was Noah. We were always dying and coming back every time we were getting weak but we keep fighting, suddenly everything disappear and we saw and talked to our dads and that's the least thing I remember before woke up. When I woke up the room was empt and Sophia walks in and I asked her who visited and that stuff, but then I discovered my brother and I were in coma for 1 year and 3 months-" I said with a few tears rolling my cheek.

"Each that was a few weeks ago." He said with tears rolling his cheek.

"So, when I asked she said that was this boy who in the first month came everyday but then he stopped coming, everyone stopped coming, who visited us was just Camilla and John, our family. Finn dumped me when I was in a coma, what an asshole right?  But gets worst like always, imagine, I woke up after 1 and 3 months later without dads, friends and boyfriend. And my boyfriend started to date another 2 months after the accident. Everyone left us there for die. But thank God I'm here today, without a jerk and dating a boy who makes me feel alive again after a lot of years feeling dead inside. Thanks Jesse St.James. I don't know if it's to soon but, I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said and we kissed.

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