Chicken Pox-Chapter Four

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I woke up at the crack of dawn just like Paul told me to do.

Peter Criss wasn't feeling like himself.

His forehead was very warm.

And he was shivering a lot.

"I think you have a fever, Catman".

I put a hand to his forehead gently.

He moaned as he got up to take a shower to get ready for the road trip.

I packed up my stuff and then I helped Peter pack up his stuff.

"Thank you, kitten".

He kissed my cheek as he walked to the kitchen.

After the tour bus arrived at Peter's house, I told the rest of the band about him.

"You can give him all the care he needs, and we'll be on the road for a while anyway".

While we traveled to the City, Peter's condition wasn't improving.

"You poor Catman".

I stroked his head and Peter actually liked it a lot.

He purred for a few minutes before falling asleep.

"Aww, how cute".

Ace whispered and I shushed him while trying not to laugh.

We went to a clinic and the doctor took one look at Peter and she said:

"Peter has chicken pox".

"Oh my god"!

I was confused and worried very much.

Peter definitely had red spots all over his back.

"How the deuce did we not notice it before"?

Gene Simmons carefully examined the Catman's body.

Luckily, since we caught it early, Peter could be given treatment.

"He should be fine after he takes the entire medication".

The doctor smiled as I hugged Peter to comfort him.

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