Feeling Under The Weather?-Chapter Six

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I woke up early to get ready so the band KISS can go to rehearsals.

Vinnie was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee, like he always did every morning.

He didn't hear me walk in.

I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around him into a hug.


I was worried that I had scared him too much.

"Oh my friend, don't sneak up on me like that".

I laughed a little bit, and he was smiling as well.

"Mmmm...what's that shower gel you've been using"? 

I giggled and massaged his shoulders as he said that.

"I think it's called...Midnight Garden".

The Ankh Warrior turned around in his seat to face me.

"It smells good on you".

I blushed and he lifted me up in his lap.

"Wow, the lovebirds have been risen from the dead".

 Bruce Kulick and Gene Simmons walked into kitchen all dressed and ready.

"You know that Vinnie doesn't like horror movies, so please don't remind him about any of of it".

Gene laughed to himself and grinned playfully.

"We were just messin' with you". 

He said as he washed his hands to start making breakfast for everybody.

"I personally remember my first scary movie".

Bruce told us about the day in fifth grade that he had snuck in a horror movie for the class Halloween party.

*this isn't true in real life so please bear with me*

Paul and Ace walked into the kitchen all dressed and ready as well.

"What's for breakfast, I'm starving"!

Ace paced around the kitchen and we all laughed.

The first SpaceMan let out a few cackles as he sat down in the seat across from Vinnie Vincent.

"Anybody have an idea where the Catmen are"?

Gene was flipping a pancake in the air and then it landed on its opposite side.

"I'll go see what's keeping them".

I slid down onto my feet after sitting in Vinnie's lap.

I then ran to Peter's bedroom.

His bedroom was a little bit messy.

I giggled as I picked up his dirty laundry and put them in a basket.

Eric the second Catman walked out of the shower with a KISS towel wrapped around his waist area.

"Ohh, so Peter hasn't gotten out of bed"?

Eric laughed and shook his head while smiling.

I then got an idea.

Kiss Funny Stories (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora