⚱️ Ankh's Ankle-Chapter Nine ⚱️

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The crowd went crazy as Vinnie finished his guitar solo.

I clapped and smiled as I watched from the audience.

Things went well, until a loose piece of wood gave away.

The poor Ankh Warrior felt his ankle twist around in the wrong place.

He fell down to the floor below on his side.


Paul put his guitar over his shoulder and ran off.

Gene, Eric Singer, and the others did the same.


The guitarist held his leg in pain.

"What happened over here"?

Their manager asked them.

"I tripped over a fucking loose piece of wood and twisted my ankle".

He groaned in pain.

"Don't worry everyone, I'll go and call for the paramedics".

The KISS manager started to run off, but then he remembered something.

"Somebody has to help Vinnie get to the outside area where the ambulance is gonna be waiting".

Nobody in the band couldn't think of anybody who could.

I then stepped up onto the stage.

"I can help you, please let me".

Vinnie looked up and saw a really cute girl walking towards him.

I smiled shyly at him.

With a gentle movement, I bent down and carefully lifted up the Ankh Warrior in my arms.


Poor Vinnie was still in a lot of pain.

The manager and the band KISS had to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

"In the mean time, I would like you to keep Vinnie company while he is recovering from his injury.

I nodded and stepped into the vehicle.

A paramedic was making sure that Vinnie stayed calm.

"Would you mind staying by his side until we get there, hon"?

I smiled at her.

"Thank you".

The Ankh Warrior smiled and held my hand gently.

I blushed heavily and held his hand too.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, a nurse and a doctor were there to take Vinnie to the examination room.

"I was told by KISS's manager to keep Vinnie company while he is recovering".

I explained to the doctor.

"That's so nice of you to do that for him".

After about a half an hour later, the doctors and the nurses left me and Vinnie alone for a while.

"You're so beautiful..."

Vinnie watched as I got down on my knees so I look at him face to face.

"You're so talented".

A doctor than came in and told us that the rest of KISS are gonna see Vinnie tommrow morning.

When he left, we were alone for a long while.

Vinnie encouraged me to lay down next to him in the hospital bed.

I did so.


"Oh my dear friend, when I first laid eyes on you, it was like a jet engine that just sent me off in a galaxy far, far away".

I giggled and he smiled while he looked deep into my eyes.


....you're a little ray of sunshine...

I blushed even more and slowly, our lips pressed gently against each other.

Vinnie moaned as he put his hand behind my head and the other on my waist.

After a few minutes, we broke apart for air.

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