Gene Gets Lost In A Haunted House-(Part 2)

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At the Halloween Party, the fans were having a swell time.

Gene told us he needed to get something out of the tour bus that he forgot to bring when we arrived.

While he was gone, I had been putting on the ankh Warrior makeup on my face.

I had even done my hair in a similar way to the way Vinnie had it.

After I put on my dress with a few pieces of Egyptian jewelry, Vinnie was waiting for me outside.

And while he was waiting, Eric and Tommy were having a nice conversation with him.

Then, I walked out of the dressing room in full KISS ankh Warrior makeup and a beautiful black dress with some Egyptian jewelry as a finishing touch.

"Well, will you look at that"?

Paul Stanley saw how beautiful I was and I smiled shyly at Vinnie.

The Ankh Warrior was so touched by my kindness to him, that he planted a small kiss to my cheek.

I blushed softly and Eric and Tommy chuckled as they smiled.

Meanwhile, Gene had just now realized how dark it was outside.

He thought he found the door to the Halloween party, but it turned out to be a haunted house.

"What the deuce is going on here"?!

He found a candlestick and luckily, it had a long lasting fire to it.

Several hours later, he still had not returned.

"This isn't like him. We better go and look for him".

Together, me and the band, (along with Vinnie Vincent) walked outside to look for the God Of Thunder.

"Ohh my god, it's getting cold out here".

Paul smiled and nodded.

"It's supposed to get closer to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit".

We soon came upon an old house.

It looked like it hadn't been used in many years.

The door was left open and we figured Gene must have wandered in because of his love for horror movies.

Vinnie held my hand as we all went through the house, looking for Gene.

Gene had actually fallen through a trap door.

So far, there seemed to be no way of getting out.

I began to hear creepy noises and it scared me a little.

Vinnie decided to go and wait outside for the others.

I stayed with the Ankh Warrior the whole time.

After a while of searching, Paul received a text from Gene:


Where are you Gene?


I think I must have fallen through some kind of trap door. Be careful so you guys don't fall in either.

Eric soon saw a candlestick light coming from underneath the floor boards.

He lifted them up and there was Gene.

"Get me outta here, I'm coughing up dust".

He let out a few more sneezes.

Tommy found a rope and the band lifted up the Demon to freedom.

"Thank God, I thought I was gonna be stuck here forever".

Everyone laughed as we headed back to the Halloween Party.

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