Halfway find out bout Mick & Whit

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After Stuart told Halfway bout Whitney & Mick Halfway was at a lost he didn't know if he should believe Stuart so he decided to ask Whitney himself. They met up in the cafe & Halfway asked her was it true bout her & mick Whitney asked him what does it matter if it's true or not? Halfway knew there & that it was true but what was he to do now. Whitney told him her & mick was both in bad place & it shouldn't of happen. Halfway asked her did mick or the kiss mean anything to her, Whitney looked down & softly said no! Halfway took hold her hand & smiled "that's good then, I'm happy" Whitney gave him fake small smile & told him she had go cos she's due start her shift soon he told her he'd walk her over before going to shop for Linda. They arrived at vic & mick Linda was behind the bar Linda was telling Mick she was going round Sharon for evening so be whit & halfway helping him out. Halfway: need anything else while I'm out Mrs C? Linda: no thank you!
Halfway gave whit a kiss & headed off Whitney went out back hang up her coat & then entered the bat. Linda: everything okay? Whit: yeah, everything is fine thanks. Mick could tel summon wasn't right so he thought he'd wait till Linda left & then had a word with Whitney. Not long after Linda left & bar was rather quite so mick asked Tracey to mind bar while he went upstairs check on Ollie, Whitney
was already upstairs having a cup tea while Halfway was in cellar. Mick: alright whit, everything okay? Whit: yeah I'm ok. Mick: come on what's wrong? Is it you & Halfway? Or summon else? Whit: um tbh mick im not really sure how say this but Halfway knows bout what happen between us last year! Any idea how he knows? Mick: oh right, okay, I'm I might have told Stuart but you know... us. Whit: I thought it was in pass? Why bring it up again? Mick: I know I know I'm sorry, are you & Halfway okay? What u tell him? Whit: I told him the truth that it was a moment of madness, cos it was wasn't it? Mick: um, yeah! I mean um. Whit: u mean what? Mick: it's just it... wasn't! Whit: what u mean it wasn't? U told me it was moment madness! Now your saying it wasn't? Mick: I know & im so sorry, but by time I got round telling u you was already gone. Whit: u what? Mick took Whitney hand looked into her eyes & told her he tried tell her it did mean summon but she had already left. Whitney looked up at him not sure if she believed him or not. Mick: when u came back told me u was engaged I was heartbroken & I tried telling u again but u said unless I moved on you'd leave again & I couldn't risk losing u again you mean world to me. Whitney gave him a smile & he smiled back at her. Whit: my feelings for u hasn't changed your still & always will be my main man. They both smiled at each other little did they know Halfway was standing on landing & heard whole thing.

What will happen next?

It's in pass जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें