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Halfway was still annoyed Whitney is lying bout her feelings for him he tried move on & forget bout it but was easier said than done. Halfway was helping mick behind bar he was in bad mood cos Linda was moaning at him again cos he didn't wanna go wiv her visit johny for weekend. Halfway told him he should go & he & Shirley would take care things but Mick told him no it's fine. Just then Whitney walked through door & mick looked up & gave her biggest smile " alright whit? Whitney smiled back at him & went out back hang her coat up. Mick carried on serving customer when Whitney walked into bar. " right then who's next?" Mick looked at her smiled again as halfway stood there looking confused, all day mick been moody & snapping ppl minute Whitney walks in he's happy n smiling everyone!? Halfway walked up whit, "whit, you fancy staying tonight?" Whitney told Halfway not tonight I need get back to tiff sorry. Halfway asked her could she not ask Stace mind her but whit told him Stace was out wiv ruby tonight. Halfway walked off in bad mood & Whitney couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Next min mick wakes up whit asked her she okay? Yeah I'm okay just halfway in mood cos I can't stay tonight. why can't u stay? Cos tiff can't expect Stace look after her can I? Listen she's more than welcome stay here on sofa the night if u wanna spend evening with halfway? Linda is taking Ollie johny for weekend so. "No! It's fine honestly he's just being moody but he just has stop acting like child that's all. Mick smiled at whit went back serving punters. Halfway was stood around corner & heard everything word enough is enough now he was not gunna b used or be second best he will talk whit now & get truth out her.

As Whitney shift came to a end her & mick started clearing up only halfway came into bar & asked Whitney if he could talk her upstairs she agreed & together they walked upstairs & into living room halfway closed door & Whitney stood by the sofa.
So what is it halfway what's up? Whit I'm gunna ask u question & im begging u pls tell me the truth. Okay what is it? Do u still have feelings for mick? Oh not this again, halfway I told u no it was mistake & it's in pass. Whit stop lying to me I heard you I heard you & mick in kitchen u both saying how u still had feelings for eachother & if things different you be together. Halfway it was long time ago & yes I did say that to him but we've both moved on he's wiv Linda he's happy. Are you whit I mean are you really happy? Do u even love me? Cause I do! Do u love me more than u love mick? Halfway pls! Is he still your main man. Don't do this!? Just tell me the truth!! Are u in love with mick, is he your main man !? That's it halfway I'm done I'm sorry. Whitney went to leave but halfway grabbed her arm & wouldn't let her, what u doing? Get off me! Answer the question! No, now let go of me this second Whitney yanked her arm out way & tried get passed halfway but he grabbed her & pushed her onto the sofa. HALFWAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OFF ME!!! YOU LIED TO ME YOU NEVER LOVED ME IT WAS ALWAYS MICK! YOU WILL PAY FOR U DONE! LET GO OFF ME! SOMEONE HELP ME PLS HELP ME.

Mick was just turning down lights when he thought he could hear someone shouting.

Just then the door opened & mick ran over & pulled  halfway off of Whitney. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? YOU GET OFF HER U TOUCH HER AGAIN ILL KILL YA U UNDERSTAND. Oh look here he is what's matter mick u jealous? What u talking bout? Whit u okay? I know I know bout u & whit I know u both have feelings for eachother. I told u it's in pass we've both moved on. Yh yh So u both say u think I'm stupid. Whitney Shirley is right bout u your nothing but tart! Mick punched halfway in face & told him get out or he'll kill him. Haha your welcome to eachother I hope linda kicks both your areas. After halfway left whit was sat on sofa crying & shaking mick went into his room & got blanket off his bed & took it back into living room & handed it to whit. Here whit wrap this round u Whitney was on edge & mick could sense this he went into kitchen made her cup tea & sat it on table in front her he wanted sit next her on sofa but cos halfway almost raped her mick went sit in armchair as he didn't want whit be scared. Whitney softy said mick name & he turned aroud looked at her pls can u sit with me? He gave her smile & sat down beside her he kept his distance as he's been here before with Linda & he didn't wanna upset Whitney anymore. But Whitney surprised him & moved closed & went leaned towards him he gently put his arm around her as she sat there cried her eyes out. It's okay whit your safe now I won't let him near u again I promise. Whitney calmed down & she looked up st mick & thanked him & told him if it wasn't for him halfway would've stopped. Mick told her she needed report him & did she want him call police she told him yes. Mick called them told her they was on there way Whitney was still shaking she can't believe Halfway could do this mick carried on holding her while she cried but 20mins later the police arrived & mick went downstairs let them in.
Once the police arrived mick led them upstairs & into living room police told mick they wanted speak whit  alone but she asked them could mick stay with her, the female officer agreed but mick wasn't allowed to talk. As mick sat back down next to Whitney she started to tell them what happened & how Halfway tried to rape her.

It's in pass Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin